Blockchain App Development by In-depth Research of IT Firms Thu, 20 Apr 2023 07:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 An Overview of How to Build a Blockchain Money Transfer Application Thu, 20 Apr 2023 07:01:05 +0000 Blockchain money transfer app enables users to send and receive money directly without third parties. To facilitate peer-to-peer money transfers, let’s explore how you can build an application that runs on blockchain technology. What is Blockchain Technology? What are the Drawbacks of Traditional Money Transfer Applications? Trust Third-Party Involvement Paying Cross-Border is a Lengthy Process […]

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Blockchain money transfer app enables users to send and receive money directly without third parties. To facilitate peer-to-peer money transfers, let’s explore how you can build an application that runs on blockchain technology.

Online payment is becoming more and more popular. Why do people like it so much? Besides being easy, it’s also fast.

Even though mobile payments are more convenient and faster, not everyone is taking advantage of them.

According to an eMarketer survey, only 43.2% of all smartphone users in the United States use mobile payment apps to transact online. According to this, there remains a vast number of people who are still reluctant to adopt the convenience of online payment apps.

What are the reasons why online payment apps aren’t used more frequently? The reasons for this can be attributed to a variety of factors, one of the foremost reasons being a lack of security and the number of parties involved in the payment transfer process.

Blockchain money transfer apps are born out of the current problems with traditional money transfer apps.

It is claimed that blockchain provides fast and secure transactions, but can it really deliver on that promise?

Here, you’ll learn what blockchain technology is and how it can be used to help the world of online payment apps overcome current challenges.

So, let’s get started.

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain is referred to as a distributed database or ledger, which is a collection of data that is stored on a computer network and shared among the nodes.

As a decentralized and secure transaction record system, blockchains are crucial to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

As a blockchain database is stored in blocks linked with one another (in a chain), data can be searched and retrieved.

As a secure digital ledger, a blockchain is immutable, which means that the information stored on it can never be altered, lost, or destroyed.

A blockchain ledger is immutable, making it a perfect solution for tracking orders, payments, accounts, and other activities requiring the highest security level.

Blockchain technology promotes consistency in the shared view of transactions by preventing unauthorized entries and creating built-in mechanisms to prevent these entries.

What are the Drawbacks of Traditional Money Transfer Applications?

When we think of the most popular mobile payment applications, Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, and Google Pay are a few of the names that come to mind.

According to Statista, Paypal is one of the leading mobile payment applications. A deeper look at the user satisfaction score reveals that only 38% are satisfied with the service, while 10% aren’t. Among the people surveyed, 29% don’t want to use PayPal.

leading mobile payment app

Image credit: Statista

There are multiple drawbacks associated with mobile payment applications, resulting in less adaptation of these applications. Here we have outlined a few of the most common drawbacks:


Trust is one of the biggest hindrances in the adoption of mobile payment apps.

Approximately 15,000 mobile users from 15 countries reported that they have a low level of trust in online merchants and payment systems. Also, they feel a lack of confidence while sharing too much of their personal information on the applications.

According to a news report by Trend Micro, learning mobile payment services provider Cash app was hacked by one of its former employees resulting in the compromise of the personal information of more than 8.2 million of its current and former customers.

As a result of such data breaches, a huge number of people set themselves apart from using online payment apps.

Third-Party Involvement

Another issue with online money transfer apps is the involvement of third-party apps. Usually, when you make a payment online, it will be processed instantly once you feed all the required information.

However, when you dig deeper into how payments are processed, you find the involvement of third parties such as payment gateways.

When the sender selects the payment method, all the information is transmitted in an encrypted format via the payment gateway to the payment processor. The payment processor communicates with the card issuer or bank account of the sender to get authorization for the sale, and then the payment is sent to the intended recipient.

The involvement of third parties also resulted in increased transaction fees which proved to be a negative factor in the acceptance of online payment services.

This is how online payment processing works.

Paying Cross-Border is a Lengthy Process

Nowadays, with the easy access that technology has made to everyday life, the world is more connected than ever before. It is common to make transactions between countries.

International payments are difficult to facilitate through today’s payment apps, and they often take two to seven days to complete. The cost of transfer is high due to the involvement of multiple parties.

Online Payment Processing Fee

This is yet another disadvantage of the conventional mode of payment applications. Every online transaction is subject to a processing fee that varies depending on the type of transaction.

Why is Blockchain Money Transfer App a Promising Alternative to Traditional Apps?

Blockchain technology is based on high ethical standards of security and is continuously on the verge of being adopted by the financial institution.

Blockchain technology can benefit online money transfer applications in a variety of ways. Here are a few of them:

Getting Rid of Intermediaries

One of the biggest advantages of blockchain technology is that it facilitates peer-to-peer money transfer eliminating the role of third-party intermediaries like payment gateway, exchange mode, issuer, and so on.

As the settlement of the funds takes place directly between the sender and receiver in real time, the process is easy and fast. Even though there are no intermediaries, blockchain technology still ensures the authenticity of the transaction. Moreover, the transactional information is recorded in a secure blockchain ledger which ensures the safety of the information.

Fast and Secure Cross-Border Payments

Blockchain technology has the potential to transform cross-border payments into a matter of seconds rather than days, as well as reduce transaction processing costs while ensuring end-to-end security and traceability.

Transparency and Security

A key strength of blockchain technology is its ability to provide a high level of transparency and security.

On the blockchain, all the transactions that occur are immutable and can be viewed by anyone with access to the blockchain. Furthermore, the payments can also be traced quite easily resulting in improved transparency.

Automation with Smart Contracts

The automation of processes with the use of smart contracts is a great advantage, especially for businesses and companies.

In a smart contract, blockchain developers have the ability to outline certain conditions that are specific to the organization concerned, depending on their requirements.

For example, an organization may hire a person on an ongoing basis to fulfill some monthly requirements as part of its ongoing operations. The person will automatically get paid when those monthly requirements are met.

This puts the organizations at great ease to complete the monthly recurring transactions in a timely efficient manner.

How to Build a Blockchain Money Transfer App?

Now as you have learned that blockchain money transfer apps can deliver a huge number of benefits. Below we have outlined a few of the steps involved in the development journey:

Choose Blockchain Money Transfer App Type

The first step is to identify the type of money transfer application you intend to develop. You can either opt to build an application for money transfer only or you can intend to develop an application that offers the entire banking services.

If you are planning to embark on a development journey, make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the requirements before proceeding.

Settle on the Mobile App Development Platform

As far as operating systems are concerned, Android and iOS are the two most popular options. Depending on the preference of your targeted audience, you can make the selection of the development platform.

Define the Features For Your Application

Having an understanding of your users and preferred platform, the next step is to choose the mobile app development platforms. You need to gain an understanding of the challenges they face and how you can solve them by creating features that address those challenges.

Emphasize the User-Friendly Design

User design is one of the most important factors to lure peer-to-peer money transfer applications. For a blockchain-based money transfer application to be successful, it has to be built in a user-friendly way so users can easily take advantage of the great features that the application has to offer.

Take Security and Compliance Into Account

There is also a concern about security that users have when they use an application. A user who encounters any issues related to the safety of your app might decide to switch to one of your competitors if they encounter any such issues.

It is therefore imperative that your blockchain payment application adheres to security regulations to ensure the safety of your users.

It is not just important to comply with security standards, but also to incorporate all the security features in order to ensure that your audience does not compromise your security in any way.

Testing and Launch

Critical phases in the development of a P2P payment app that is the testing and quality assurance phases. Testing makes sure that your application is free from all sorts of errors and bugs to ensure the smooth functioning of the application.

You will then need to publish your app in the relevant app stores after the testing has been completed.

Final Take

Blockchain-based money transfer apps are establishing themselves as an efficient alternative to traditional day-to-day payment systems in the near future. You can create a similar application with the help of blockchain development companies.

These trustworthy companies with a highly experienced team of blockchain app developers that can take your project from a concept to a sure reality within no time.

Related Article: Best Programming Languages For Blockchain App Development

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do blockchain money transfer apps cost?

The cost of a blockchain money transfer app depends on the multiple factors mentioned below:

  • App development platform
  • The complexity of the money transfer app
  • The complexity involved in the creation of the smart contracts
  • The choice of the blockchain platform
  • UI/UX design requirements
  • Development scope

Based on these factors the cost of the money transfer app is determined.

How to choose the best blockchain development company?

The following attributes can help you make the selection of the right blockchain development company:

  • Experience
  • Portfolio
  • Client testimonial
  • Knowledge of different blockchain platforms

What are the top companies that are using blockchain for payment?

  • Coinbase
  • PayPal
  • Circle
  • Ripple
  • BitPay
  • Zcash
  • Veem

What are the top companies that are using blockchain for payment?

  • Ethereum
  • IBM Blockchain
  • ConsenSys Quorum
  • Hydrogen Molecule
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Ripple
  • Stellar.

The post An Overview of How to Build a Blockchain Money Transfer Application appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Blockchain DeFi: Breaking the Acronym and the Hype around It Wed, 15 Jun 2022 13:35:48 +0000 We’ll look into the best blockchains for decentralized finance; What is DeFi? Can you use it to earn interest on currency holdings, and the risk involved with it! Crux: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) makes use of Blockchain Technology to process financial transactions. Bitcoin is a form of money that isn’t controlled by any central bank or […]

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We’ll look into the best blockchains for decentralized finance; What is DeFi? Can you use it to earn interest on currency holdings, and the risk involved with it!

Crux: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) makes use of Blockchain Technology to process financial transactions.

Bitcoin is a form of money that isn’t controlled by any central bank or government. It can be globally transferred to anyone, from anyone without involving any financial institution. Bitcoin is decentralized money. Transferring money is the first block in the chain. Besides sending money, there are a variety of services that can be used today. For example, Loans, saving plans, insurance, and stock markets are all services that are built around money.

When users engage with DeFi via decentralized applications or dapps, they essentially run on Ethereum Blockchain. They do not have to open any bank account or fill out an application form to access it. DeFi is being perceived as a major shift in the way people deal with finance, expanding access to this world to anyone who wishes to join in.

Decentralized Finance is built on top of Ethereum Blockchain, and is an alternative financial infrastructure. It offers many applications to go with. For example, DeFi can be used to buy Stablecoins. Such transactions take place on decentralized exchanges. These Stablecoins can then be moved to a decentralized lending platform to earn interest.

Smart Contracts are the building blocks of DeFi protocols. These are highly secure server-based web applications. Users (clients) are not in control of the underlying execution environment. Smart Contracts are secure. When the transaction state changes, all activity is tracked and saved in the blockchain’s state tree. Smart Contracts are open, flexible, fast, and access rich instruction sets.

The Need to Decentralize The Financial System

Today our financial system and all services are centralized. All financial institutions have someone in charge of tracking and managing transactions and currency exchange.

Centralized Finance (CeFi) has its own risk like mismanagement. But what if we decentralize the entire system as a whole in the same way it decentralizes the money.

That’s exactly what Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is all about. DeFi is a term given to financial services that have no central authority and there is no one in charge. These financial apps and protocols are governed by smart contracts*. Developers who create a DeFi app transfer the ownership to users. DeFi then becomes an asset controlled by the community coin or token.

It includes certain cryptocurrencies that can be programmed to perform automated activities – we can build exchanges, landing services, and insurance services that don’t have an owner and are not controlled by anyone.

In order to create a decentralized financial system, the first thing we need is an infrastructure for programming and running decentralized services. For Example, Ethereum is used for writing decentralized programs (Decentralized Apps or Dapps). *It is used to write smart contracts that manage any financial service we would like to create. Once we deploy these on the network, we can no longer control them. They are immutable.

DeFi Basic Building Blocks

The decentralized market is still in a nascent stage but it features transparency, and accessibility.
DeFi Building Blocks include:

  • Token standards,
  • decentralized debt,
  • decentralized exchanges,
  • blockchain derivatives, and
  • on-chain asset management protocols.

How does DeFi work?

It works in 5 parts:

  • Lending: Lending out crypto and earning rewards in return
  • Getting a loan: Fetching flash loans without filing the paperwork
  • Trading: Transacting crypto assets with peers
  • Saving: Putting some cryptos aside to earn better interest in future.
  • Buying Derivatives: Betting on certain assets as stock options for future contracts.

Top Blockchains For DeFi

According to a recent report by the Economic Times, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market is going to cross $50bn. Many thousands of coins are trading across in this sector. The highest performing coins and Tokens are:

  • DeFi Coins: These are the best overall DeFi coin to buy
  • Lucky Block: These are new gaming crypto coins to watch
  • Mana: These are part of the DeFi project stepping into Metaverse
  • Uniswap: These are top DeFi projects and liquidity provider
  • Yearn Finance: These allow earning interest and taking out loans using DeFi.

Best DeFi Coins to Buy in 2022

DeFi coins can be bought from crypto exchanges and brokers. The most popular DeFi coins in 2022 are:

  • Lucky Block (LBLOCK)
  • Curve Finance (CRV)
  • Aave (AAVE)
  • dYdX (DYDX)
  • Yearn Finance (YFI)
  • Maker (MKR)
  • Compound (COMP)
  • Uniswap (UNI)
  • Ankr (ANKR)
  • Bancor (BNT)

How DeFi is being used?

Decentralized Applications (dapps) and adjoining protocols are being used in

  • Traditional financial transactions for payments, trading securities, insurance, borrowing, lending etc.
  • Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) for peer-to-peer financial transactions and letting users retail control over their money.
  • E-wallets to make investors access Blockchain and cryptocurrency.
  • Stable Coins – These attempt to stabilize their values by attaching them to the US dollar.
  • Yield Harvesting enables speculative investors to lend crypto and reap big rewards.
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) – To enable the creation of NFTs of commodities which were previously uncommodifiable.
  • Flash Loans – To allow cryptocurrency loans that borrow and repay funds simultaneously.

Top Blockchains For DeFi to Build Modern Finance Applications in 2022

Decentralized Applications (dapps) and adjoining protocols are being used in

  • Ethereum – It is an open-source, decentralized blockchain platform with smart contracts.
  • Ripple – It is yet another Blockchain platform for currency exchange, real-time gross settlement system and remittance.
  • Cardano – It is a decentralized and open-source public Blockchain platform that facilitates P2P transactions with ADA (internal cryptocurrency)
  • Stellar – It acts as a decentralized protocol for creating, sending, and trading in all forms of digital currency enabling low-cost transfers and cross border transactions.
  • Hyperledger Fabric – It is an open-source framework for Blockchain that offers permissioned fabric networks, and faster transaction processing.
  • EOS.IO – It is a Blockchain protocol which features smart contracts that eliminate transaction fees and conduct millions of transactions per second.
  • Corda – It is built in a way to transact directly with smart contract technology.
  • Tron – It is a decentralized Blockchain platform that is based on Tronix, consensus algorithm, cryptocurrency native to the system, and smart contract functionality.

In Conclusion

DeFi in its essence stands for financial applications that are built on Blockchain Technology. It enables digital transactions between multiple parties. Every transaction is recorded on Blockchain, which is a public ledger for digital assets, including cryptocurrencies. DeFi process involves lending cryptocurrencies, sending cryptocurrencies, and investing in cryptocurrencies.

DeFi Development Services can help you improve lending, borrowing, trading, investment, and risk management. It ensures high transparency and promotes more control using their respective private keys over an immutable, tamper-proof network. ITFirms list a range of top blockchain development companies that are opening up to new financial processes:

DeFi Development company services
Market making Consulting
Decentralized Crypto Banking
Defi Lottery System Development
Derivatives Over Defi Platform
decentralized Fund Management
Defi Insurance System Development
Defi Yield Farming Platform Development
Defi Staking Platform Development
Defi Lending Platform Development
Defi Smart Contract Development
Defi Dapp Development
Defi Tokens Development
Defi Dex Development Like Uniswap
Defi wallet development
Defi Marketing Services
Defi Synthetic Asset Development
DeFi Solutions For Ecommerce
Defi Tokenization Development
Defi Crowdfunding Platform Development
Defi Real estate Platform Development
DeFi ICO Development
DeFi Exchange Development
DeFi Protocol Like Yearn. Finance
DeFi Protocol Like AAVe
DeFi exchange Like 1inch

Please share your suggestions at

The post Blockchain DeFi: Breaking the Acronym and the Hype around It appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Best Programming Languages For Blockchain App Development Fri, 20 Aug 2021 12:37:26 +0000 An illustration of prevalent Blockchain Programming Languages! Blockchain apps known as decentralized apps (DApps) – do not have servers to conduct their intermediary transactions; amongst all network users. All users act as mini-servers who are responsible for verifying and sending data. Introduction to Blockchain Blockchain is a crypto wallet with millions of global users. They […]

The post Best Programming Languages For Blockchain App Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.


An illustration of prevalent Blockchain Programming Languages!

Blockchain apps known as decentralized apps (DApps) – do not have servers to conduct their intermediary transactions; amongst all network users. All users act as mini-servers who are responsible for verifying and sending data.

Introduction to Blockchain

Blockchain is a crypto wallet with millions of global users. They transact – send money, receive money, earn interest in the wallet brokerage with cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum, trade on the exchange, or get the data from the most widely used block explorer.

Blockchain companies like transact in crypto with over 71M wallets created and more than $800B in transactions. It can be – (1) trading, (2) earning interest, (3) checking payment status, or (4) lending crypto coins such Blockchain companies offer the most established and widely – used way to invest in Crypto-currency for tens of millions of customers in nearly 200 countries.

Blockchain companies offer two options to their users:

  • A non-custodial version – only one user controls access to their crypto and private keys.
  • Another is a custodial version that enables users to use all the features like buying and selling, swapping between crypto like Bitcoin and Ethereum and transferring to interest accounts earn up to 12%.

Blockchain is the most secure way to trade – buy and sell crypto. The Blockchain wallet helps in trading and earning interest without surrendering control of your money, although it often happens with most competing companies. The Explorer-like Coinbase,, Binance – remains free and openly available to everyone globally.

Blockchain wallet allows users to access their crypto wallet. Users can buy, sell, hold, send, receive, and swap various crypto-currencies such as:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Stellar (XLM)
  • ALGO (Algorand)
  • USDT (Tether)
  • USD Paxos Standard (PAX)
  • Chainlink
  • Polkadot
  • defi

Blockchain App Features

  • Buy Bitcoin and Ethereum via simple purchase.
  • Send and receive Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Algorand, Tether, USD PAX to anywhere in the world.
  • Earn up to 12% interest (variable) on BTC, ETH, USDT, PAX, XLM, and BCH annually.
  • Request payments in cryptocurrencies with ease with QR support.
  • Borrow USD Digital directly from your Blockchain wallet.
  • The global wallet should be – (1) Multilingual,
  • (2) Easy to understand, and (3) the Swap interface should make exchanging crypto fun and a frictionless experience.
  • Buy and sell bitcoins in multiple countries and swap one crypto for another with live, best-in-class exchange rates from the safety of your wallet.
  • Uses get prices, quotes, and historical price charts in real-time.
  • Users can track transitions and addresses with the block explorer.
  • Swaps happen on-chain, which makes it reliable and resistant to fraud than off-chain transactions.
  • Only the users who own the wallet or initiate the transaction can access the private keys and their crypto.
  • It requires a 4-digit pin, biometric authentication, two-factor authentication and a unique 12-word backup phrase.
  • Such apps also allow creating a new Blockchain wallet or pairing their existing web wallet on their mobile device.

Programming Languages to Use for Blockchain App Development

C++ for Blockchain App Development

Blockchain Developers use C++ for EOS development due to its – (1) speed, (2) efficiency, (3) safety, and (4) a multitude of libraries. C++ is trusted as it has been around for decades. Also, it can develop cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ripple, Stellar, and Litecoin. It brings forth:

  • Efficient CPU and Memory management
  • Relocating data effectively
  • Compile-time polymorphism to improve performance
  • Isolating code for different data structures
  • Ease of running parallel/non-parallel threads

Python for Blockchain App Development

Python lets developers create a simple blockchain in less than 50 lines of code. It is for Blockchain that also addresses the Internet of Things. It eases the job of building blocks and linking them together. Few famous Python projects with Blockchain are Steem, Hyperledger Fabric, NEO etc.

  • It is easy to learn
  • It accesses dynamic architecture
  • It is open-source
  • It is efficient for prototyping

Java for Blockchain App Development

It is based on OOP and has lots of libraries. It has monitoring tools like JMX or Java Mission Control to help manage applications. It is an architecture-neutral, secure and independent platform. Also, it is fast, supports pluggability, is easy to maintain, effortless memory cleaning and is less intense – difficulty level is lower than C and C++. NEM, IOTA, NEO, and Hyperledger Fabric are some best blockchain projects in Java.

Solidity for Blockchain App Development

Solidity is an OOPS language to write smart contracts on Blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Cardano. It is – (1) easy to learn, (2) easy to experiment with, (3) developer-friendly, (4) statistically typed programming, accurate, and (5) accesses JavaScript infrastructures – debuggers and other tools.

Go for Blockchain App Development

Go is widely used to create decentralized applications and tools. It is easier to find libraries and required packages; It is a compiled language and directly runs on the OS; It allows building technologies like EVM and other multi-threaded networking applications.

C# for Blockchain App Development

C# is used with the .NET framework to create robust enterprise web applications. It is similar to Java and is an ideal Blockchain programming language. C# is not yet famous but is considered one of the best programming languages for Blockchain.

Javascript for Blockchain App Development

JavaScript has been a consistent headless version of the browser for cross-platform app development. It goes well with NodeJS – JavaScript runtime environment, which makes it popular with Blockchain developers.

Simplicity for Blockchain App Development

Simplicity is a relatively new blockchain programming language. It is typed – a combinatory – functional language without loops and recursion. It is for cryptocurrencies and Blockchain applications. It aims to improve crypto-currency languages like Bitcoin Script and Ethereum’s EVM. It can express any finitary function which is for smart contracts used in Blockchain applications.

Rholang for Blockchain App Development

Rholang operates with a functional approach over object-oriented (C++, C#, Java or Python). It assesses the entire app as a series of functions which are then solved sequentially. This feature makes it suitable for smart contracts and Blockchain programming.

In Conclusion

A decentralized application carries off the possibility of rejected transactions, commissions, and exchange rates. These are preferable as crypto-currency exchange requires a quick reaction to the price. Moreover, all Blockchain apps are highly secure as all data is decentralized, and each member of the network has a copy of all chains.

In addition to this, any user can check if the blockchain system is working. All updates to the network are verifiable by peer users in the network. All blockchain transactions amongst network users are anonymous. That transaction is bound to complete. Industries that have been using Blockchain technology vigorously are Games, Gambling, Exchanges, Wallets, Finance, Real estate, Healthcare, Music industry, E-mobility and IoT start-ups.

The post Best Programming Languages For Blockchain App Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

The Major Implementation Challenges in Blockchain Fri, 27 Apr 2018 12:39:47 +0000 Before you plan to work on your Blockchain technology based mobile app, you must be interested in knowing the challenges you might face implementing Blockchain. So, here it is! The open, accessible and fair-to-its-purpose Blockchain has come out to be the world’s leading software platform for digital assets. It has brought in a great level […]

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Before you plan to work on your Blockchain technology based mobile app, you must be interested in knowing the challenges you might face implementing Blockchain. So, here it is!

The open, accessible and fair-to-its-purpose Blockchain has come out to be the world’s leading software platform for digital assets. It has brought in a great level of commitment and compliance in terms of security and validity to different financial processes and digital communication systems for different business types and functional segments.

This has allowed many businesses to relentlessly grow in their scope of penetration and range of offerings, by effectively and resourcefully using the benefits of Blockchain. And as they mention upfront on their official website, “the world is now open for business”, seems to be quite on its mark with the way it is being prolifically implemented and utilized by businesses worldwide.

Well, that’s about what primarily the technology is about and here you only see the goody-buddy side of it. Blockchain is certainly a great technology for security and integrity of digital assets, but as they say, there’s a grey side to every new technology and Blockchain is not an exception.

Therefore, you will find certain challenges in implementing Blockchain into your process. Let’s find out what are these.

Here, to get a better understanding of what kind of challenges you face actually while implementing Blockchain, lets take a case of some organization, say a telecom establishment. Now, as a busy organization that needs its departments to work in a close-knit manner and needs to seamlessly connect with customers all day on-line, it needs a strong CRM software and a provisioning system to cope up well with the digital surroundings. Now, this system combines the entire process of research, data analysis, sourcing, procurement, processing, facilitation, execution, and support across different departments and functional blocks backed by the digitized data-driven assets, looking to optimally perform and commit to the end purpose of the organization.

Here, to avail the comprehensive benefits of Blockchain, the venture needs experts to build a process map and implementation plan to integrate and align Blockchain with different digital assets of the business. As now the business is operating on traditional approaches accustomed to conventional security and support mechanism, it becomes is one of the major challenges to push previous data into the Blockchain architecture.

Talking from the security front, the most security-dependent task in a telecom setting is of billing and payment and this requires to be implemented, placed and interconnected well with the service data. And this should be based on a well-planned and finely collaborated format. In such a situation, Information Technology resources supporting the Telecom communication infrastructure has to combat different difficulties in the process for generating polyglot coding to pipe old data and get it consumed with the help of new and updated technologies. Owing to this, the most difficult part of implementing Blockchain is it needs a thorough re-architecture and remodeling across different execution ideas, traits, roles and responsibilities of the process. That’s about planning on how to go about it referring to your industry-unique needs.

So, the experts helping you out with Blockchain application development have to look into your case referring to its own business value proposition, process preferences and industry particulars. Now this requires them to diagnose every detail of your business correctly and take a dive into your process while implementing Blockchain architecture into your business.

Another integral task is to map data systematically and authentically. This needs to be done by following standards of the Blockchain development, to enjoy the ranging community support and avoid any hard time facing unnecessary leaks and lags in performance.

Further, another implementation challenge comes when you have to address the security needs of the data travelling and exchanged across different components and resources of your business. There are different resources and tools collaboratively operating under close coordination of different functional departments, execution channels, and processing units through which data travels to produce information and reveal value. Segmenting and factoring different processes and practices into clearly appointed sub-systems and making them work together in conjunction with the overall objective and underlying purpose of the business, requires the IT ecosystem to be designed into a well-defined and lean system that is knitted well to work along perfectly with the advanced Blockchain facility. That’s the way you get to develop highly assuring and valuable digital products like Bitcoin Wallet that take the whole technology market by storm.

There are different security hazards that keep coming to you in the volatile digital landscape. This needs to be well detected in time and addressed with effective sanitation and protection measures. Only by doing this on a regular basis your resources would be optimally able to serve the underlying purpose fully, acquiring the best of Blockchain pros and benefits.

Referring to all that, Blockchain development clearly requires to be done by keeping the digital data’s application, integrity, wholeness, cogency, scalability and reusability at the core of every aspect of owing the solution. This can be best done by structurally and calculatedly approaching the development of the app and aiming at replacing the traditional database with the new improved digital data backbone based on the authentic data security and quality references offered by Blockchain. Doing which you will be able to achieve the best of results from your attempt.


There are a host of challenges that you face in the process of implementing a fully-functional system of Blockchain based digital support system within your facility. But, if you go by the process suggested here, and get an expert to help you with Blockchain app developed referring to your needs, you should be securing your chances to get the best of value from the digital assets of your business.

The post The Major Implementation Challenges in Blockchain appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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