AI app developers by In-depth Research of IT Firms Mon, 20 Jun 2022 14:18:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Selecting Top AI Developers: A Comprehensive Guide Mon, 20 Jun 2022 14:18:24 +0000 This is about deciphering AI developers who reinvent digital transformation solutions through Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence! AI Engineering comprises the use of algorithms, neural networks, computer programming, and other technologies that help develop AI applications and techniques. Per Gartner, A robust AI engineering strategy facilitates the performance, scalability, interpretability, […]

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This is about deciphering AI developers who reinvent digital transformation solutions through Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence!

AI Engineering comprises the use of algorithms, neural networks, computer programming, and other technologies that help develop AI applications and techniques. Per Gartner, A robust AI engineering strategy facilitates the performance, scalability, interpretability, and reliability of AI models while delivering the full value of AI investments.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning help developers during the application creation process. It assists by examining the success of past applications in terms of build/compile success, successful testing completion, and operational performance. ML algorithms make recommendations to developers proactively based on the code they are creating. The AI engine directs the developers in building the most efficient and highest-quality application.

Popular Advanced AI/ML Projects

  • Titanic Survival Project
  • Personality Prediction Project
  • Loan Prediction Project
  • Stock Price prediction Project
  • Xbox Game Prediction Project
  • Housing Price Prediction Project
  • Sales Prediction Project
  • Digit Recognizer Project
  • Credit Card Approval Prediction
  • IMDB Box Office Prediction
  • Fake Product Review Monitoring System
  • Learn to Drive with Reinforcement Learning
  • Automatic Attendance System
  • Price Negotiator E-Commerce Chatbot System
  • AI Bot to Play Snake Game
  • Self-Driving Car
  • Music Recommendation App

What is an AI Engineer/Developer capable of doing?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) help improve the performance of the DevOps teams by automating repetitive tasks and eliminating inefficiencies across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

  • They efficiently extract data from many sources
  • They design algorithms
  • They build and test machine learning models
  • They deploy ML models to create AI-powered applications that can perform complex tasks

Introducing DevOps in AI and ML

AI, ML, DevOps have changed the conventional workflow, made the applications more intelligent and secure (DevDecOps). All these development best practices have shortened the software development lifecycle to ensure the secure delivery of integrated systems via Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).

How are AI and ML impacting DevOps?

DevOps focuses on automating and monitoring every step of the software delivery process, ensuring that work gets done quickly and frequently. It does not eliminate human intervention, but it does encourage enterprises to set up repeatable processes that promote efficiency and reduce variability. It happily assimilates AI and ML. Altogether these technologies can process vast amounts of information and help perform menial tasks, freeing the IT staff to do more targeted tasks. These tools can assist AI App developers to learn patterns, anticipate problems, and suggest solutions.

DevOps operates on the use of continuous feedback loops at every stage of the process. Monitoring platforms gather large amounts of data in the form of performance metrics, log files, apply machine learning to these datasets to proactively identify problems very early and make relevant recommendations. It facilitates communication, eases complex tasks, predicts a person’s health, and manages a flurry of alerts.

Assembling AI with tools like GIT gives visibility to address irregularity in code volume, improper resource handling, longer build time, improper resource handling, process slowdown and more.

ML can be used to build comprehensive test patterns based on learning patterns from every release and enhance quality application delivery.

ML integrates with DevOps to secure the application delivery – safely identify patterns, avoids anomalies in system provisioning, automation routine, test execution, deployment activity.

Early detection of issues, configuration benchmarking to meet performance levels to predict user behaviour, understanding code release for achieving business goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do you keep AI bias from creeping into your models?

  • Define and streamline business problems.
  • Structure data gathering that allows for different opinions.
  • Understand training data.
  • Gather a diverse ML team
  • Consider target audience
  • Annotate with diversity
  • Test and deploy with diversity in mind
  • Improve your model with feedback

Q2. What is needed to be an AI developer?

They require a Masters’ in Computer Science or Technology with several years’ experience as a generalist programmer in the gaming industry.

Q3. What is an AI developer required to do?

  • They have to answer various business challenges using AI software
  • They need to design, develop, implement, and monitor AI systems
  • They have to explain the potential and limitations of AI systems to project managers, stakeholders
  • They have to develop data ingest and data transformation architecture
  • They are always looking for new AI technologies to implement within the business
  • They have to train teams to implement AI systems

Q4. Which tools do AI Engineers prefer to use?

  • Deep learning platforms such as H20.AI
  • Deep learning libraries
  • Analytic tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Torch
  • APIs like OpenGL or PhysX
  • Profiling tools like Perl or Perforce
  • Programming languages like Java, Scala, and Python
  • Google assistants to implement within AI systems
  • Cloud platforms like Azure or Google Cloud AI
  • IBM Watson AI solutions and likewise.

Q4. How much the Artificial Intelligence developers earn / what do is the cost to hire AI Developers?

  • Base salary of Artificial intelligence Engineer – USD 75,000 + Commission and bonuses based on project profit sharing.
  • Machine Learning Engineer – USD 46,085 (Average)
  • Data Scientist – USD 96,100 (Average)
  • Research Scientist – USD 80,285 (Average)
  • Business Intelligence Developer – USD 80,103 (Average)

Conclusion: Scope of ML/AI Developers in 2022 and beyond

We estimate AI/ML applied to other stages of the software development life cycle to accentuate DevOps methodology. Unit tests, regression tests, functional tests and user acceptance tests all produce large amounts of data in the form of test results, which makes it identify patterns of poor coding practices that result in too many errors. This information informs development teams to streamlines their development practices in future.

ML becomes more effective when it utilizes resources and finds memory leaks to manage production issues. AI/ML could be used to fine-tune deployment strategies as applications are moved from development to testing to production environments. It also defines the magnitude of the current alerts and the source that specific alerts are coming from.

Artificial Intelligence enables all types of automation for business processes, saves time, and increases efficiency. This makes DevOps depend upon artificial intelligence to make its data interpretation and representation more effective. Comparatively, AI experts implement model operationalization (ModelOps), which is a set of capabilities that primarily focus on the governance and the full life cycle management of all AI and decision models. Watch this space for more!

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The post Selecting Top AI Developers: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How to Advance Your Business Through Artificial Intelligence Thu, 21 Sep 2017 12:29:22 +0000 Is your business ready to conquer the new automated and the digitally connected world? Is your business ready for Artificial Intelligence? If you’re really thinking of growing your customer base and revenue in the future, you should now transpire a business strategy that involves the use of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is ready to disrupt […]

The post How to Advance Your Business Through Artificial Intelligence appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Is your business ready to conquer the new automated and the digitally connected world? Is your business ready for Artificial Intelligence?

If you’re really thinking of growing your customer base and revenue in the future, you should now transpire a business strategy that involves the use of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is ready to disrupt the businesses across industries, so, it’s time you get on the wheels for more connecting and advanced customer services.

AI app development is already transforming workplaces.With more keenness towards adopting AI by the organizations and business groups, the demand for expert and experienced AI app developers and app development firms has increased.

In the past few years, AI technology has gathered and mixed the right components that could lead to its best use for enterprises, small-sized online businesses and top brands.  The level of AI usage has gone several notches up as the expert technologists are finding new ways to incorporate it for driving the business.

Naturally, few years before, it was far from being implemented in the real world. In fact, it was only a fictional stunt in movies that we always witnessed. But now, AI is omnipresent.

Some of the biggest examples of AI usage for business in the recent times are:

> Nvidia, along with Avitas Systems, has planned on AI use to the rescue, in the petroleum and gas industry. The teams have decided to use artificial intelligence and machine learning to speed up and precisely record the data of the industrial inspection. A wide array of camera-laden drones and sensor-driven robots are on a mission to collect the necessary data and image, in order to avoid accidents, to address issues by unnamed aerial vehicles.

With Nvidia’s DGX-1 supercomputer, Avitas will be using an artificial neural network rooted in deep learning, which will be made up of the complex algorithms and will mimic the human brain’s capacity to learn, recognize patterns and distinguish differences.

Until now, in its most recent quarter, the American technology company Nvidia has housed majority of its revenue from AI sector.

> Last month, Starbucks– the coffee giant in the world, partnered with South Korean Telecom (SKT) to implement AI-based coffee order service. In the future, when you’ll walk in the nearby Starbucks store, you’ll be ordering your favorite cup with a machine rather than human. This new SKT-Starbucks partnership will allow customers to order through a voice command – may be through a portable AI speaker.

> The world’s largest beverage brand Coca-Cola generates heaps of data everyday at every phase including production, distribution, sales and customer feedback. They have lately discovered the ultimate way to process this data in the most intelligent, accurate machine learning format using AI. They recently unveiled their idea to incorporate a virtual assistant AI bot in the vending machines in malls and entertainment complexes, where users will order a personalized (make their own) flavor by mixing the various flavors available- the machine will create the perfect algorithms for the company.

This way, Coca-Cola Company will marshal user’s preferences and come up with novel flavors in their drinks. A whole new exciting and magnetic experience for the brand lovers.

So, it’s all about this extensively available data today. And if you choose the right ways to capture, store, and transform this data into actionable insights so that you can innovate your product line, improve your service by making it more customer-friendly and thus, monetize heavily, you’re the conquering hero. Unarguably, this doesn’t stand true only for Fortune 500 or leading brands, startups and small-sized enterprises can leverage the power of AI in the workplace for the staff and potential consumers.

Artificial Intelligence is also making mobile apps smarter. So, the first step for every app owner now is to embed AI tools and software in the mobile app. Reach out to the finest mobile app development companies who are now working on AI app development strategies, taking the businesses to a new AI-driven hemisphere.

The post How to Advance Your Business Through Artificial Intelligence appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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