Enterprise Architecture by In-depth Research of IT Firms Mon, 16 May 2022 10:19:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Discerning the Need to Implement Enterprise AI in Your Business Processes https://www.itfirms.co/enterprise-artificial-intelligence-in-business-processes/ Mon, 16 May 2022 09:31:16 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=11285 With the emergence of industry 4.0 technologies, businesses are innovating, and making use of AI in multiple use cases to step up with the development! As we run through the blog, the foreword, features and benefits converge simultaneously. It all accumulates to make the best out of Flutter App Development. Perennial technological developments facilitate challenges, […]

The post Discerning the Need to Implement Enterprise AI in Your Business Processes appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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With the emergence of industry 4.0 technologies, businesses are innovating, and making use of AI in multiple use cases to step up with the development!

As we run through the blog, the foreword, features and benefits converge simultaneously. It all accumulates to make the best out of Flutter App Development.

Perennial technological developments facilitate challenges, opportunities, and competition amongst enterprises that feel the need to introduce an ounce of innovation, new products, new services, and overall new ways to accomplish what they have been doing so far. Large Business organizations and industrial institutions fear rapid and sustained impact, generating added value to survive in the face of global changes.

Why do businesses need artificial intelligence?

Companies like IBM have made AI their strategic priority. It lets them modernize their data analysis with their AI-integrated platform from industry leaders. From predictive maintenance for a vast array of industrial assets including aircraft, manufacturing equipment, transmission assets, power generation, oil and gas production equipment (compressors, pumps, valves, etc.) – to inventory optimization, anti-money laundering, fraud detection, securities lending optimization, customer retention, and more. AI helps businesses achieve best practices to get the most out of a service/product and save prices based on customer behaviour and preferences.

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence is the functionality to embed AI into organizational data strategy to perceive and embed human intelligence into machines. It goes beyond self-driving and parking vehicles, digital assistants, vehicle recognition identification, robots, and transportation.
An enterprise AI platform combines an integrated set of technologies to enable organizations to design, develop, deploy, and operate enterprise AI applications at scale.

How does AI benefit businesses (of all sizes)?

AI goes about automating business processes – back-office administrative and financial activities, data analysis, engaging with customers and employees. Organizations need to create a prioritized portfolio of projects based on business needs and develop plans to scale up across the company. AI saves time, and money by optimizing, and automating routine processes and tasks. It increases productivity and operational efficiencies that facilitate faster business decisions based on the use of cognitive technologies.

AI makes data simple and accessible, but it is still in the experimentation phase for many industries. It erects a foundation for business-ready analytics, building, and scaling AI that is transparent and has a coherent step-by-step plan for rolling out AI throughout the organization.

What are the various components of artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence empowers cross-functional teams to monitor, deploy, and optimize models quickly, and accurately. Its value proposition lies in easing any task at hand, making it efficient and powerful. AI applications include packaged applications that solve business problems, prepare data, cleanse data, build and execute models, create consumer use cases for speech, images, and vision, natural language processing, and manage/understand the AI model life cycle.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers businesses the potential for a dramatic increase in functionality and profitability, but it can also spark an array of complex ethical, legal, and social challenges. It also poses some ethical issues including competing concepts of fairness and moral reasoning. Also, there can be some social concerns and safety challenges associated with AI, such as potential life and death scenarios in autonomous driving.

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence As An Organizational Asset

From improved customer service, and streamlined operations, to the realization of new business models, enterprise artificial intelligence has the potential to transform organizations.

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be achieved by embedding AI methodology along with human capacities for learning, perception, and interaction all at a level of complexity that supersedes our own abilities. Any company can become an AI enterprise by embedding machine learning methodology into the very core of their business to bring real value.

It outlines a collaborative effort between data scientists and artificial intelligence engineers. While data scientists build machine learning models on IDEs, an AI engineer builds a deployable version of the model built by data scientists and integrates these with the end product. They also secure web service APIs for deploying models if required.

9/10 businesses have investments in AI technologies, but >15% deploy AI capabilities in their work. While the rise of AI will eliminate 85 million jobs, it will create 97 million new ones by 2025. More AI Statistics to swear by:

AI Statistics

Source: Dataprot.net

Enterprise AI Use Cases

AI can be assembled in various forms in business management: Spam filters, smart email categorization, voice to text features, smart personal assistants – SIRI, Cortona, Google Now, Automated responders and online customer support, process automation, sales and business forecasting, security surveillance, smart devices that adjust according to behaviour, automated insights for data-driven industries like financial services, or e-commerce.

E-Commerce has absorbed AI in marketing as recommendations and content creation, pattern and image recognition, personalization of news feeds, language recognition to include unstructured data from customers and sales prospects, ad targeting and optimization, real-time bidding, customer segmentation, automated web design, social semantics and sentiment analysis, predictive customer service.

In Conclusion: Summation of Need, Purpose, Benefits, Use Cases of Enterprise AI in Business

Artificial Intelligence companies recommend developers, executives, PR professionals, regulators, and consumers to help them reap the potential of AI in a manner that’s worthy of trust and profitable to all. Enterprise AI propagates digital transformation. Every enterprise software application is going to be AI-enabled in the coming times. Just as organizations are not able to conduct their business effectively without a CRM or an ERP system, they won’t be able to effectively operate without the use of enterprise Artificial Intelligence capabilities. Therefore, it is imperative to build, deploy, operate, and scale enterprise AI for business survival these days.

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The post Discerning the Need to Implement Enterprise AI in Your Business Processes appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How to select the best enterprise architecture for your enterprise app? https://www.itfirms.co/best-enterprise-architecture-for-your-enterprise-app/ Mon, 22 Mar 2021 11:15:36 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=7443 Can EA help you decide in improving the ability of your organization to carry out its mission? Know which software architecture model suits your business needs! Software architecture creates an outline for designing a solution for the project. It ensures that the security, availability, performance are in accordance with the planned characteristics of the project. […]

The post How to select the best enterprise architecture for your enterprise app? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.


Can EA help you decide in improving the ability of your organization to carry out its mission? Know which software architecture model suits your business needs!

Software architecture creates an outline for designing a solution for the project. It ensures that the security, availability, performance are in accordance with the planned characteristics of the project.

Best software architecture authorizes a match between the desired and delivered functionality of the project. Software application architecture gratifies that the right amount and type of funding of personnel resources are available throughout the project lifecycle. It ascertains that project backed with enterprise application architecture creates new opportunities for the future and positions the organization consistent with its vision and goals. The development and implementation of organization EA and segment architecture result in measurable cost savings.

(Note: EA is an abbreviation for Enterprise Architecture)

What is a software architecture for enterprise?

Software Architecture is a layout plan for the organized development of software. It leads to sustainability and the long-term evolution of IT systems. Here we focus on the bigger picture instead of the day-to-day.

Enterprise Application Software (EAS) satiates an organization’s need instead of its stakeholders/customers/employees. Enterprise computing is used for efficient production operations to support IT and back-office departments.

What are the elements of enterprise architecture?

The six elements of an EA documentation method:

  • EA documentation framework
  • EA components
  • Current EA views
  • Future EA views
  • EA Management
  • Transition Plan
  • Multi-level threads that include security, standards, and workforce planning

What are the main problems of enterprise architecture?

  • Some roles within EA might be misleading
  • Ineffective communication
  • Low EA maturity and commitment
  • Complicated EA tools

Enterprise Architecture (EA) Requirements

  • EA is required if all the IT costs (accreditation, system security plan, risk assessment, privacy impact assessment, configuration/patch management, security control testing and evaluation, contingency planning/testing) integrate into one;
  • EA helps in potential workforce planning issues like staffing and training and associated investment;
  • If the overall vision of the business translates into actionable business;
  • If the security categorization process for information systems matches with and complements the organization’s enterprise architecture and commits to protecting organizational mission/business;
  • If the conceptual solution architecture supports the target performance, data and business architectures and the transit from as-is state to the to-be state;
  • If your organization’s digital business strategy (models, designs, technology) impacts your organization’s EA discipline and deliverables;
  • If both the leadership teams and business adjust current business and information environments to fulfill the target performance architecture;

Types of Software Architecture

Layered (n-tier) Architecture

Many best software frameworks like Java EE, Express and Drupal are built upon this most common type of software architecture. Data enters from the top and works its way down to through the bottom. Each layer checks the data for consistency, reformats the values. Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure is based on this software development approach. Layered architectures are preferable as they are easy to test, easy to maintain, easy to assign independent roles, easy to update and enhance layers separately.


With caveats like – slicing up tasks and defining separate layers, fitting the requirements within the patterns, turning the source code into organized modules, defining the roles and relating it with relationships, passing data across layers with logic, taking care of messy inter-dependencies, yet staying independent and relevant – layer-architecture approach is suitable for new application development. Enterprise applications require touch-ups in their legacy code, easy to understand by developers with fewer experience calls for testing and maintenance standards.

Event-Driven Architecture

The event-driven architecture manages the waiting time by accepting all data and delegating it to various modules via a central processing unit. This handoff generates an “event” and delegates the code to that type or the concerned modules. E.g.: Point of sale terminals require swapping of cash cards to accept a payment. It generates another event where users have to validate their PIN if it is not an NFC mode. The transaction completes, an invoice generates. Besides this, fraud detection, real-time monitoring are other examples.

Event-Driven Architecture

Writing web page code involves JavaScript that reacts to events like mouse clicks or keystrokes. An event-driven model is preferable for complex projects that handle multiple operations/multiple transactions. This approach suit projects that scale easily.

It can be complex to test applications based on event-driven architecture. Error handling is challenging. The central unit delegates tasks to modules. It keeps a backup plan which can fill up in case any module fails. Even-driven applications slow down in the case of buffer messages. This model suits asynchronous systems, applications where the individual data blocks interact with only a few of the many modules and user interfaces.

Microkernel Architecture

This approach is suitable if a module or a set of core operations calls more than once. Eclipse is a development environment for Java that opens files, comments, edits them and starts background processors. Displaying a file and editing it is part of a microkernel. Extra features layered on top are called plug-ins, which also make it a plug-in architecture model. It pushes some tasks to the microkernel. Different business units come together with calls to the core functions in the kernel. Plug-ins require handshaking code so that the microkernel is aware when the plug-in is ready. Kernal is the core. Therefore, every functionality moderates as it becomes difficult to change at a later stage.

Software Architecture Patterns

A microkernel is a minimum software that helps operating systems with routine tasks like memory management, process management, process scheduling mechanisms and inter-process communication. It allocates these processes to the available user space. It applies to projects with predefined core routines.

Microservices Architecture

Companies that do not know which devices will be compatible with their services make use of this architecture. Currently, Netflix, PayPal, Amazon, eBay, and Twitter are using Micro-services architecture. Instead of building one big program, many tiny programs pop up each time a new feature adds up to the project. Looking at Netflix’s UI, we find that every minuscule feature/module/tab/icon/button/link/navigation/sections that we find comes from a separate service. It seems like Netflix is a constellation of dozens of smaller websites that happen to present themselves as one service. And Netflix can scale up and down based on the changes in demand.

Microservices Architecture

But all the services much be independent to avoid clashes. Further, we rarely find applications whose tasks break into independent units. Plus, using many micro-services at once can be blurring. Performance of the apps that use micro-service architecture suffers as activities spread across different micro-services. And, communication costs are important.

This type of software architecture is suitable for websites with small components, corporate data centers with established businesses, evolving new business startups, and outsourced development teams (spread across different locations).

Space-Based Architecture

A space-based architecture comes at the forefront when the applications that once worked on a single database, scale up with increasing demand when usage peaks and database become inconsistent. When the database becomes incapable to log transactions, the entire website/web application/mobile application fails. It is also known as distributed architecture, where a data set is split across into sub-jobs and then aggregated when done. Caveats associated with it include transactional support with RAM databases, generating enough load to test the system, caching data without affecting other copies is difficult.

Space-Based Architecture

This architecture model is best to create streams, user logs, high volume data, low-value data, social networking sites. It does not fit apps for banking/insurance/finance without occasional loss.

In Conclusion: How does a software architecture in an Enterprise help

The above list might be just what you need to approach your project in the best possible way, right from the beginning. Enterprise app development companies often mix one-two-many enterprise applications architecture to create the desired solution.

The post How to select the best enterprise architecture for your enterprise app? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.
