Vue.js by In-depth Research of IT Firms Thu, 16 Jun 2022 08:12:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Angular vs. Vue: Suitable Front End Framework in 2022 Fri, 28 Jan 2022 11:58:21 +0000 While the decision to select one JS framework amongst Angular vs Vue can be stupefying, we’ve elucidated relevant excerpts to make it look easier. We hope it helps! Please see: We’ve coupled React, as and when required, to make the Vue vs. Angular comparison more vivid and contextual. The underlying examples are based on practical […]

The post Angular vs. Vue: Suitable Front End Framework in 2022 appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.


While the decision to select one JS framework amongst Angular vs Vue can be stupefying, we’ve elucidated relevant excerpts to make it look easier. We hope it helps!

Please see: We’ve coupled React, as and when required, to make the Vue vs. Angular comparison more vivid and contextual. The underlying examples are based on practical implementation, and can therefore be used as the basis to create hybrid applications.

Citation: React was developed and maintained by Facebook. Angular was developed by Google, while Vue was developed by Evan You and an ex-Google employee.

Worth Mentioning: Single Page applications are built upon a single page but the entire page is broken down into several components, where every component performs a specific task – Login, display icons and images, and so on. All the components are assembled to prepare a single-page application. Here we’ll learn about their features, use cases, performance, where they are used, data binding, scripting languages they use and their testing mechanisms.

Why is Angular relevant in 2022?

Angular brings with its components, templates, directives, dependency injection, and loads of security best practices including accessibility, keeping up-to-date, property binding, lazy loading, lightweight injection tokens for libraries; Angular tokens like Dev Workflows, CLI builders, language services, DevTools, and Schematics. Angular is scalable according to project requirements. It offers a standard structure for developers, making it even easier to develop large applications.

Why is Vue relevant in 2022?

Vue is preferable by start-ups as it serves smaller projects. Angular is preferable for projects of longer duration and enterprises. Vue is speedy and easy to learn.

How are Angular and Vue similar?

Angular, Vue and React are interchangeable, yet distinct Server-Side technologies used to build distributed applications, partly on the client-side, and partly on the server-side. These are applicable for single-page applications (SPA). These are based on JavaScript, so they are lightweight and are not dependent on third-party runtime tools. Both Vue and angular are – Open-source, have a large developer community, and are based on JavaScript.

Comparison: Angular vs. Vue

Libraries/Classes/Functions: Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework. Vue is also an open-source JavaScript Framework. (While React is an open-source, front-end JavaScript library. Although the terms library and frameworks are used interchangeably, these are significantly different. Users are free to call libraries, functions, and classes. Frameworks have limited choices, and have a blueprint of their own. So users do not have much control. JavaScript is an interpreted language where code is executed line by line, all these tools are very efficient. Converting a code into an intermediate code would require a runtime environment, which encounters a delay. These are avoided and as a result, these tools are fast.

Usage: React is used to develop mobile and web applications. Angular is primarily used to develop single-page applications and hybrid applications as it is purely based on HTML, CSS, jQuery, and JavaScript. Vue is used to develop user interfaces and single-page applications.

  • What does it represent: React represents the view part of the MVC framework. Angular is a full-fledged MVC framework. Vue is focused on the view and model layer of the MVC framework.
  • What is MVC: MVC is an architectural pattern that separates the application layer into Model, View, and Controller. The model relates to all data-related logic. Vue is used for the UI logic of the application. The controller is the interface between the Model and the View. The controller drives the functionality of the tool. Any changes can be easily factored and isolated and as a result testing becomes a whole lot easier.
  • How does it work? The moment you build an HTML view and render it into the browser, this view to the browser is an HTML tag. Internally the code is converted into a balanced tree structure. This B-tree algorithm is extremely fast. So if the user makes any changes to the UI, the changes are reflected immediately. This is facilitated by the B-Tree algorithm, which improves the performance.

Performance (React / Angular / Vue)

What is DOM: React uses virtual DOM to fill in data in the HTML DOM. When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a Document Object Model of the page. DOM is an API that defines how a document is accessed and manipulated. The DOM represents a document with a logical tree. This DOM parser converts the HTML code into an inverse tree structure.

  • React uses the virtual DOM, while Angular uses the real DOM, and Vue uses the virtual DOM again. A virtual DOM only looks at the differences between the previous and current HTML and changes the part that is required to be updated.
  • Angular, on the other hand, updates the entire tree structure regardless of any changes made or not.
  • Vue updates only the ones that have been changed. Since no time is spent on making changes to the entire tree, React is extremely fast. On the other hand, React DOM updating is time-consuming, risky, and loaded with errors. Vue also ensures faster and bug-free performance.

Data Binding (React / Angular / Vue)

It is the core reason why we use single-page applications. Data Binding feature in a framework lets you identify the user and retrieving data based on that is facilitated using data binding.

Data binding is a process that allows an internet user to manipulate web page elements using a web browser. It is used in web pages that contain interactive components such as forms, calculators, tutorials, and games.

React facilitates one-way data binding. It takes the data from the view and pushes it to the model or vice-versa. While Angular and Vue use two-way data binding.

  • In React every time the model state updates, the view changes accordingly. First, the model state is updated, and then it renders the change in the UI element (view).
  • In Angular, any changes made to the view are immediately reflected in the model state.
  • Vue follows the same principle. This has a huge impact on the performance. Due to one-way data binding, React is fast. Angular is even slower, and Vue performs according to the input type.

Scripting Languages

  • React combines UI templates and JavaScript logic. The result is called JSX. React only requires the knowledge of JavaScript. Angular uses templates that are enhanced HTML with Angular directives.
  • Angular requires knowledge of the specific syntax. Create a class and then inject it into HTML. To do something better, write code for an Angular application using a newer language developed by Microsoft called TypeScript. It is a compiled language and is very similar to Java and C-Sharp in terms of syntax.
  • Vue uses HTML based template. It uses HTML throughout for the UI, and the combination of JavaScript for business logic. Vue templates are valid HTML’s and can be parsed by HTML parsers.


  • Jest is a framework/API developed by Facebook to run tests on React. It is embedded in every React library and requires zero configuration.
  • Angular uses the Jasmine framework to run various tests. The Jasmine framework allows various functionalities to write different kinds of test cases. It also ensures that the application is error-free.
  • Vue CLI has built-in options for unit testing with Jest or Mocha. Vue’s single-file components make it straightforward to write unit tests for components in isolation. This makes it modular and extremely fast.

Community Support

Since all these tools are open-source, they have a large developer community.

  • Few popular GitHub repositories on react are reactjs101,, reason-react, react-paginate.
  • Popular GitHub repositories for Angular are Angular, angular.js, angular-cli, angular-seed.
  • Popular Vue repositories are Vue-awesome-swiper,, vue-Apollo

It lets us commit, downloads third-party plugins, and explore these tags even deeper.

NPM stats say that over the past few years, there have been approximately 360 million REACTJS downloads. There have been 38 million downloads for Angular, and 63 million downloads for Vue.

Use Cases from Business Perspective

  • Angular is used by Nike, Forbes, Upwork, Sony, HBO
  • Vue is commonly used by Alibaba, MI, Grammarly, Adobe


We’ve thrown in keywords like single-page applications, JavaScript, component-based design, model view controller, and a whole lot of other things. This comparison on Angular vs Vue 2022 brings out the comparison between three popularly used front-end web development tools. Although these two tools are JavaScript products and have the same objectives, they are significantly different. These tools are differentiated based on salient features, use cases, performance, data binding, scripting languages, testing, community support, and growth curve. So we hope that this article brought some clarity to Vue and Angular development companies. Thank you for being here, keep learning.

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The post Angular vs. Vue: Suitable Front End Framework in 2022 appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Why Companies Should Choose Vue.js for Application Development Tue, 22 Jan 2019 13:56:35 +0000 Vue.JS won’t give you a reason for outward smiles and inward screams! Why is an open source progressive JS framework required to develop web applications? JavaScript has been the most popular programming languages in 2018. Read on for more cool clues: JavaScript is a turing complete language (computationally universal), best known for client-side scripting (now […]

The post Why Companies Should Choose Vue.js for Application Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.


Vue.JS won’t give you a reason for outward smiles and inward screams!

Why is an open source progressive JS framework required to develop web applications? JavaScript has been the most popular programming languages in 2018. Read on for more cool clues:

Popular Programming Languages 2018

Image Source: Stackoverflow

JavaScript is a turing complete language (computationally universal), best known for client-side scripting (now even server-side scripting), it works differently for different platforms. On DOM/HTML: JavaScript can apply, modify and reset CSS styles of an element. JavaScript can add, modify and remove document elements. It can handle UI events (onclick, onchange etc). JS gels well with AJAX, JSON etc.

Web development companies rely on compatible frameworks for their development platform. At this point, taking JavaScript description further, frameworks based on JS can enable uplifting the flavor and design of web applications, enrich web apps with numerous functions and features, modify web pages in real time and do many more things.

During the intervening time, frameworks based on JavaScript can become a panacea for quick web development. They serve as building block for single page applications and allow developers to worry less about the code structure or maintenance while they can divert their attention towards the creation of complex interface elements and expand opportunities of plain HTML and JS.

A framework must be reliable and progressive according to the dynamic need of creating web page user interface. Vue.JS is a prominent choice with web developers, as it is open source, progressive and can create simple single page applications. Basically used to create the user interface or view layer in a web application, Vue.JS has outperformed Angular and React in many cases.

Basic Two Part for Web Apps

                   Image Source:

Vue.JS can still adapt and can be integrated into front-end development without any fears. Although a comparison of Vue.JS with other technologies like Angular and React cannot be claimed as yet and with no external libraries and additional plugins, Vue.JS stands a chance to create code robust apps. It has the most arrant doc library available, it can debauch mobile app development, with ease.

As the web development companies India decode the mirror image, here are some handful of reasons that make Vue.JS as the most preferred choice for front-end development:

Sprying, halfway up, halfway down:

Vue.JS is equally flexible, can be utilized in different environments and not just JavaScript frameworks. It empowers both native app and website development with the tools and libraries that come along with it. Fueling up progressive web applications, additional features can be added up even after the development of the application is complete.

Adoption with simplicity:

The Vue.JS framework is simple to adopt and use. It can handle single page, small applications quite well and make them look as if it is created with Angular or React frameworks.

It’s sizeably perfect:

Also useful for single page applIcations, but Vuex can be really helpful in developing more complex and larger functions. Similar to redux and flux of React, Vue’s companion libraries are officially supported and kept updated with core libraries.

Ordered apps in a go:

Fully focused on the original library, Vue.JS can effortlessly integrate with third-party libraries and can be utilized into existing projects without making an effort to develop everything from scratch. It facilitates the development of SPA (helpful in loading pages dynamically).

Reporting of Errors Efficaciously:

Vue.JS if unpacked, gives a transparent idea of code to the developers as it is, allowing them to learn and fix the challenges without any delay, thus speeding up the development process.


Vue.JS is an infant, fresh new baby, from JS womb, having strongest of attributes and fewer features to fallout. With very fewer features enclosed, API’s hanging with Vue.JS helps in improving the quality of application rather maintenance. It excels in performance, documentation, swift development and easy upgrade, besides the lightness of code – all pros in one go make it the next go-to framework for web application development.

The post Why Companies Should Choose Vue.js for Application Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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