JavaScript Frameworks by In-depth Research of IT Firms Tue, 07 Feb 2023 12:36:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to One-up Next.js: How will it persuade website development in 2023? Tue, 07 Feb 2023 10:47:09 +0000 It is a React-based open-source web development framework for server-side rendering that supports environment variables, preview mode, custom head tags, and automatic polyfills! Challenges While Creating Web Application With React What problem does NextJS solve? Is NextJS enough for the backend? How Next.js works? Why is Next.js faster? Next.JS Features Where is Next.js used? Is […]

The post How to One-up Next.js: How will it persuade website development in 2023? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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It is a React-based open-source web development framework for server-side rendering that supports environment variables, preview mode, custom head tags, and automatic polyfills!

A modern web application functions well if its building blocks are aligned in the proper place. It includes:

  • (1) User interface (how users will consume and interact with your application),
  • (2) Routing (how users navigate between different parts of your application),
  • (3) Data fetching (where your data lives and how to get it),
  • (4) Rendering (when and where you render static or dynamic content),
  • (5) Integrations (third-party services – CMS, auth, payments, etc),
  • (6) Infrastructure (Serverless, CDN, Edge, etc),
  • (7) Performance (how to optimize your application for end-users),
  • (8) Scalability (how your application adapts as your team, data, and traffic grow)
  • (9) Developer experience (team’s experience building and maintaining your application)

Next.js holds React on its base. While it performs server-side rendering, ReactJS focuses on rendering toward the DOM. To code in Next.js, a web developer needs to know React/JavaScript. Therefore, it is essential to check on the potential challenges that React brings to the surface.

Challenges While Creating Web Application With React

If you want to build a website/web app with React, you need to consider how to bundle your code with Webpack and transform it using a compiler like Babel. You must learn code splitting, production optimization, pre-render pages for better optimization, use server-side rendering or client-side rendering, and write server-side code to connect the React app to the data store.

What problem does NextJS solve?

Next.js solves the problem of rendering web applications on the client side. It is used to create single-page applications (SPA) with improved user experience due to less reloading which is more interactive. Next.js offers tools and features to minimize the development process. React definitely has better resources for the front-end development of the mobile and web applications.

Is NextJS enough for the backend?

Next.js can be used to create front as well as backend so it eliminates the need for a dedicated backend framework. It allows the creation of React applications that are server-rendered. This implies that the user’s browser downloads a complete HTML page, including all the necessary assets like JavaScript files, CSS, and images.

How Next.js works?

With the right level of abstraction, Next.js can solve all these problems. It is close associate with React framework. Both act as building blocks to create fast web applications. Next.js handles the tooling and configuration needed for React and provides additional structure, optimizations, and features for your application. Next.js is a fully functional framework that can be used to build full-stack applications with server-side rendering using React framework. It is used to create:

  • 1. Static Sites where HTML files are copied to CDN or Web Server and accessible as static HTML files. Example: Blogging websites and content-related sites where content changes are rare.
  • 2. But, Next.js facilitates incremental static regeneration (ISR) where all the static HTML pages are generated at build time. New pages are created and updated at runtime and not at build time. Example: e-commerce sites as new products are added and existing listings are updated daily.
  • 3. Also, Next.js suits well for single-page applications. Example: One Page Resume, Landing pages of Software Companies, and Brochures.

With Next.js, the HTML page loads on the client side. Such web applications load the entire page initially, based on the client’s request, and load and update the HTML body using JavaScript.

Next.js alleviates server-side rendering (SSR) when the client executes the JavaScript code and generates HTML, and renders it to the user on the client side. But this technique is drastically opposite to the SPA, because when a client requests information from the server, it generates HTML, generates HTML code, and sends it back to the client browser. This approach can result in slow load times initially.

Why is Next.js faster?

It renders the same components on the server side as on the client side, i.e. universal rendering. This implies that development time is reduced as we can build our React components once and leave the rest to Next.js. It re-renders components in the user’s browsers. It lets web developers focus on building components without worrying about which environment a component is being rendered in. The user’s browser does not need to download JS to see the page content quicker.

Next.JS Features

Next.js brings about:

  • Page-based routing system with dynamic routes
  • Pre-rendering with static generation and server-side rendering on a per-page basis
  • Automatic page splitting to alleviate faster page loads
  • Built-in CSS, JS, SaSS library
  • Client-side routing with optimized prefetching
  • API routes to build endpoints with serverless functions
  • Development environment with fast refresh support
  • It is fully extendable

Where is Next.js used?

It is popular amongst production-facing websites and web applications with the world’s largest brands.

Is NextJS harder than React?

Next.js is easier to code than React. Developers simply need to create the page and link to the component in the header, with less code, better readability, and improved project management.

When to use Next.js?

Next.js is one of the easiest ways to create fast, reusable web pages. It is particularly suitable for creating server-rendered React Applications. Web developers need to install npm on their systems and learn the fundamentals of next.js. Also, a pre-knowledge of Tailwind.css can help build powerful web applications. Anyone who is looking for an improved development process, cost and time benefit to our clients, improved performance, and faster applications should use Next.js.

Is it worth learning NextJS as we approach 2023?

If you’re looking for an easy way to create fast, reusable web pages, next. js is worth learning. next. js is a JavaScript library that makes it simple to create server-rendered React applications. Next.js can help you simplify the process of developing both simple as well as complex web applications with better user experience and optimization.

Why use Next.js?

  • Server-side rendering and Single Page Application development
  • Static Site Generator
  • Code splitting
  • SEO
  • Build optimizations
  • Progress app features such as offline, prerender
  • Supports pre-generate HTML in the server as well as in-browser at build/run time
  • It is faster in development and development loading is good
  • Image Optimization
  • Page Routing
  • It offers a better user experience
  • Any changes in code instantly reflect on the interface via live loading

What are the challenges with Next.js?

  • It suits better for complex application development
  • Next.js takes time
  • It features limited plugins
  • State Management is not provided as part of the framework

Why should you learn Next.js?

Next.js is easy to code and can produce fast reusable web pages. The workflow is quick and easy and it allows spinning up a web application incredibly quickly. Next.js does not require a lot of configuration. It is optimized for production. It handles server-side rendering and static site generation. Next.js web pages are pre-rendered at the time the site is built, which makes the web application reach the market well.

Who uses Next JavaScript Framework?

Next.js is being used by companies like Netflix, Walmart, Netflix, TikTok, Uber, Lyft, Binance, Starbucks, GitHub, Docker, Coinbase, Apple, Nike, Hulu, Ticketmaster, Uber, and Twitch.

Key Takeaways

  • Next.js does not require any configuration.
  • It supports TypeScript, smart bundling, and route pre-fetching.
  • Next.js 13 is the latest React-based javascript open-source web development framework that brings back the power of full-stack to the front end.
  • It lines powerful routing and layouts.
  • It is used to build complex interfaces while shipping less Javascript.
  • It is built on React server Components that are used to make server-first applications.
  • It has native support for custom fonts and images.
  • It supports HTML streaming.
  • In short, it backs image optimization, internationalization, Next.js analytics, zero-config, and hybrid pre-render pages at build time (SSG) or request time (SSR) in a single project.
  • It brings through incremental static regeneration.
  • It adds and updates statically pre-rendered pages incrementally after build time.
  • It corroborates automatic TypeScript configuration and compilation.
  • Next.js brings fast/reliable live editing experience.
  • Every component in the page’s directory becomes a route.
  • Next.js optionally creates API endpoints to provide backend functionality.
  • It is used to create component-level styles with CSS modules with built-in SaSS support.
  • It features dynamic routing defined by code instead of configuration.
  • Next.js is preferable for web app development as it can handle tooling, and configuration it provides structure and optimizations for the application.
  • It features automatic code splitting.
  • Next.js apps have fast loading times.
  • The user’s browser does not have to download JavaScript and CSS
  • Also, Next.js elaborates on hot module replacement (HMR), and hot reloading/live changes.

Top full-stack developers use Next.js for improved development process means cost and time benefit to the clients. Secondly, the improved performance brings about faster applications. Thirdly, improved SEO means more indexable and SEO-friendly applications.

The post How to One-up Next.js: How will it persuade website development in 2023? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Top JavaScript Frameworks to Consider for Next Web Development Project Tue, 09 Apr 2019 10:02:48 +0000 Although a vast number of JavaScript Frameworks scattered across the web repositories look more like a brady-bunch episode, a percent point turns out to be a panacea to a web issue! Whose news is it, anyway? A JavaScript framework is a model for creating an application. These vary according to the scope and requirement of […]

The post Top JavaScript Frameworks to Consider for Next Web Development Project appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.


Although a vast number of JavaScript Frameworks scattered across the web repositories look more like a brady-bunch episode, a percent point turns out to be a panacea to a web issue!

Whose news is it, anyway? A JavaScript framework is a model for creating an application. These vary according to the scope and requirement of the application to be developed. JavaScript library has a set of pre-written JavaScript functions that can be called from its parent code. JS framework differs from a JS library in its control flow; these include the entire design of the application. JS frameworks are made up by bunching together various JS libraries that provide developers with pre-written JS code to use for routine programming features and tasks – a model to build websites or web applications. Almost every JavaScript framework works more or less in the same way. But here are a chosen few which have been massively appreciated.

When should a particular JS framework be used?

Amongst a list of frameworks available, what is the deciding factor that helps users (developers) to select a particular framework? Some make use of mainstream frameworks like Angular, React and Ember etc, while others look into a framework search engine – microjs, to get to know what they need for the particular application.

Listing Out Top 5 JavaScript Development Frameworks

Angular 4

Angular 4AngularJS initially released 8 years ago in 2010 by Google is one of the premier JS framework for web development. Available as an open-source front-end web framework on, it is suitable for developing single-page applications. It complements Apache Cordova and is thus suitable for developing cross-platform apps. It eases tasks of both developers and testers by providing a framework for both client-side MVC and MVVM along with components commonly used in a rich internet application. Two-way data binding, DOM manipulation, Improved server performance, Faster application prototyping, Responsive web, Highly testable products, The MVVM architecture, Use of directives, plain HTML templates, and fast development are some of the major advantages that come with AngularJS.


ReactJSReactJS initially released 5 years ago by Jordan Walke is another premier JS framework for web development. Maintained by Facebook and the community of individual developers, it is suitable for creating single-page web or mobile applications. It often requires the help of additional libraries for routing, state management and interaction with an API. Available on, it is an open-source framework that enables Android, iOS and UWP development and builds improved user-interfaces.


Meteor.jsMeteor or MeteorJS initially released 7 years ago (as of Feb 2019) is a free, open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework that is primarily written using Node.JS. It is basically used to write applications for cross-platform apps, more commonly in production websites.


EmberJSEmber.JS initially released 7 years ago (as of February 2019), is an open-source JavaScript web framework that is based on Model-view-view-model (MVVM) pattern. Originated by Yehuda Katz, it is available on – it is suitable for creating scalable single page web applications. Many major sites like LinkedIn, Discourse, Groupon, Twitch.TV etc have been created in Ember.JS. Apple Music is the most common desktop application.


Vue.JSVue.JS, initially released 5 years ago (as of February 2019), is an open-source JavaScript framework that is used to build single-page applications, especially user-interfaces, by featuring incrementally adoptable architecture that focuses on declaration rendering and component composition. Its small size is its greatest asset. Besides this, ease of integration, scalability, and versatility, readability for the perfectionists and ease of learnability are other benefits that come along with Vue.JS and are Top web application development companies looks for in a JavaScript development framework.

Folding the discussion

JavaScript frameworks have a certain aura of web development around them. Each one has originated with nearly the same basics. A developer always looks for a straightforward and shortest route to reach a solution to a programming problem. And if a framework allows them to work faster, without the need to write code from scratch, it becomes a programming practice and preferable way to code. Besides the frameworks listed above Mithril.js, Polymar.JS, Aurelia and Backbone.js are some other upcoming frameworks to watch out for while developing web applications.

Making use of JS frameworks reduces line of code and thus increases efficiency and these helps utilize the basics of a programming language as it is without much modification.

The post Top JavaScript Frameworks to Consider for Next Web Development Project appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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