Front End Developers by In-depth Research of IT Firms Thu, 05 Jan 2023 12:55:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ascertain How to Hire Front End Developers without a Flinch From the Professionals Thu, 05 Jan 2023 12:54:14 +0000 “Looking for hiring front end developers? Ascertain how to hire frontend developers from the professional to get masterful results that will exceed your expectations.” Why Should You Consider Hiring Front End Developers? First Impressions are Vital Adaptive Design for Visitors’ Screen Size The Amalgamation of Animations to Make Web Pages More Interactive Accelerating and Scaling […]

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“Looking for hiring front end developers? Ascertain how to hire frontend developers from the professional to get masterful results that will exceed your expectations.”

As we enter a new era in which the internet has become a very important component for the success of any business, having a functional, attractive, and clean online presence is essential.

As outlined in a study from Foresters, improving the user experience of a website or mobile app can increase the conversion rate by up to 200%.

As far as developing functional, attractive, and clean user interfaces is concerned, it can’t be done without hiring front end developers.

Front-end developers are well versed in creating user interfaces that stay in the user’s mind and allow them to interact as easily as possible with them.

Zippia, one of the leading career experts in the USA, estimates that there are over 80,827 people who work in the field of front-end development presently alone in the United States.

The number of front end experts has been growing steadily all around the globe, so how would you choose one that is going to fit your project requirements perfectly?

Here in this blog, we will provide you with a brief insight into the benefits of hiring front-end developers as well as the skills and hiring costs associated with them.

So, let’s get started.

Why Should You Consider Hiring Front End Developers?

Here you will get to know about the benefits that you can avail yourself by considering front end developers for hire:

First Impressions are Vital

The key to overall customer satisfaction is a positive customer experience. According to a study conducted by Paradigm, 75% of website or app credibility comes from the user interface.

39% of visitors will abandon a website if they find it difficult to navigate or if loading takes too long. Thus, it is crucial that you instill a captivating user experience at the beginning of your project if you wish to be successful.

With their vast industry experience, front-end professionals can create an experience that transmits trust and integrity to the user.

Adaptive Design for Visitors’ Screen Size

Responsive design is defined as the process of arranging content and elements on a website so that they can adjust automatically based on the size of the screen the visitor is viewing.

As reported by GoodFirms in their recent survey, 73.1% of web designers believe that a non-responsive website design is the main reason why conversion rates are low.

The developers who handle the front end of your website can also design a responsive design, which will result in the website becoming quicker, easier to use, and more accessible on different screens.

The Amalgamation of Animations to Make Web Pages More Interactive

Animated graphics are an excellent way to catch visitors’ attention, increase engagement, and improve communication.

Front-end developers possess expertise in animations and programming tools for developing web pages to make them more interactive by using animations and programming codes.

The front-end developer can use code to implement a variety of interactions, from clicking a button to scrolling down a web page, that front-end developers can implement in an interactive way.

Accelerating and Scaling Websites and Applications

It is estimated that more than 53% of the user base of the website has been lost as a result of the slow loading time.

Developers responsible for front-end aspects of websites and applications are responsible for speeding up loading times and ensuring the user experience is smooth.

As well as ensuring that the front end works well, experts check that the app is secure, compliant with a variety of devices, and has a good user interface.

Front End Developers Skills to Produce Masterful Results

When it comes to front end developers skills, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are often the most commonly taught. Having these skills is an essential requirement for a front-end developer. However, in addition to these, there are several other skills that developers should possess to produce mindful results for businesses:

Understanding of Frontend Frameworks and Libraries

The introduction of frameworks is widely used as a way of simplifying the fronted development process and making it a smooth journey for creating captivating user experiences.

A few of the most popular front end frameworks available in the market are mentioned below:

  • Vue.JS
  • Angular
  • Svelte
  • React

Visual Skills

A front-end developer with a strong visual sense, a passion for design, and the ability to see aesthetics in a design should be one of your top priorities.

Having a professional who understands your creative vision for your business and works with designers to make sure that it is brought to life on the web is critical for success.


AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. As a bridge between the client and the server, the programming language serves as the conduit between those two.

For example, when a web browser, e.g. a user, requests the server, then AJAX can deliver a response to the user without forcing the page to be reloaded. Because AJAX works asynchronously, the site does not freeze until the server has responded.

Understanding the principles of Ajax will give the developers an edge in creating instant responses for the users, resulting in a better end-user experience.

Browser Developer Tools

Today’s modern browsers, be it Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, provide developers with the means to build rich web apps with ease. Developer tools include the ability to inspect HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to determine which assets have been requested by a page and how long it took to load them.

By having the skill set and expertise across a variety of browser dev tools, you can produce interactive and rich user interfaces.

Testing and Debugging

Among the most important skills that a front-end developer ought to possess is the ability to perform testing. By testing the user interface, developers ensure that it is free from all kinds of bugs and glitches that could negatively affect the user experience.

Responsive Design

In the present day, there is a vast number of devices available in the market like desktops, tablets, and smartphones. You should have a well-versed developer who knows the ins and outs of responsive design to ensure that your web application doesn’t lose its charm on different screen sizes.

What Do You Need to Know About Hiring Front End Developers?

There are multiple ways through which you can hire front-end developers. Here we’re going to walk through the different frontend developers hiring models:

Freelance Front End Developers

Hiring a freelance front end developer is one of the most affordable options. Freelance developers work individually.

Freelancers offer low-cost development services, which is one of the most appealing benefits of hiring a freelancer.

There is another advantage to hiring freelance developers, which is that you can hire them only whenever you need them.

Freelance developers are proven to be the best choice when you’re working on a small project and require resources for a short amount of time. In contrast, if you have a complex project that needs to be handled by someone who will be liable for adhering to deadlines, freelance developers often find it difficult to take on the challenge.

In-House Frontend Developers

The term “in-house front end developers” refers to hiring a team of developers to handle the business side of the company.

It turned out that hiring front-end developers in-house has been the best decision for businesses with long-term business goals to achieve.

Their sole objective is to run your business efficiently and effectively and they are at your disposal at any time to deal with any urgent requirements.

In-house developers seem to be the most beneficial option to choose. Nevertheless, they often cause organizations concern due to their high costs. Hiring can be a long and difficult process, especially if your organization is located in a small town where it is very difficult to find skilled candidates.

Outsourcing Developers

In terms of hiring, this hiring model has proved to be the best option for companies looking to gain the benefits of in-house developers without spending too much time and money on infrastructure setup, lengthy development processes, etc.

Under this hiring model, you can hire front end developers from any of the offshore development companies from any country. Your project will be built by remote developers who are under your supervision and working from a remote location.

Aside from the above-mentioned advantages, working with offshore developers will give you access to a global talent pool, which will increase your chances of success in the long run as well. Additionally, you will be able to scale up or down your team of developers depending on the scale of the project you are working on.

In terms of price, hiring offshore front end web app developers is more expensive than using freelancing developers, but the benefits they provide are justified. Since outsourced developers are located in different locations, time-zone issues may occur.

As far as hiring offshore developers is concerned, the benefits are surely enticing. For you to be able to reap these rewards, follow the easy guide to hiring the best offshore development team and start translating your vision.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire Front End Developers?

Several factors should be taken into consideration when estimating the cost of hiring front-end developers. The effects of each of these factors on the cost can be seen in a variety of ways;

  • The complexity of the project
  • Experience level of frontend developers
  • Location of outsourced frontend developers or freelancers
  • Selection of technology stack

Every project has its own set of factors that contribute to its success. Due to this, it is impossible to provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost of hiring frontend developers.

As a general estimation, if you hire front-end developers from India, then they will cost you somewhere between $20-$50/hour.

Final Take: How to Get the Best Results by Working with Your New Hire?

When hiring a front end specialist, your primary goal is to develop a website that will be able to adapt to any device and will appear great on all of them. The next struggle for you once you have found the right developers to work with is finding the ways for you to get the best results from them.

As a best practice, we recommend that you create a document that summarizes all the requirements you have for your new hires, and have a detailed discussion with them regarding the goals that you wish to attain with their employment.

During the frontend development process keep yourself engaged with the developers and stay informed about the progress of developers. By doing so, you will be able to make sure that your development journey is heading in the right way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different steps in the process of hiring front end developers?

Here is how you choose the right front end developers for hire:

  • Analyze your requirements in detail
  • Know where you can look for developers
  • Analyze front end developers skills
  • Schedule an interview with the developer
  • Carry out skill test
  • Onboard the developer

Why hire remote front end developers?

  • Access to global talent
  • Pivotal in augmenting your in-house team
  • Cost-saving
  • Access to all the crucial skills and technical expertise required
  • Free from infrastructure cost
  • Easy scalability

What are the different types of front end developers available to hire?

On the basis of experience, mainly there are three types of frontend developers as mentioned below:

  • Junior front end developers: 0 to 1 year of experience
  • Middle front end developers: 1 to 3 years of experience
  • Senior front end developers: More than 5 years of experience

The post Ascertain How to Hire Front End Developers without a Flinch From the Professionals appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How does mobile app backend development fit in the Software Development Equation? Wed, 23 Mar 2022 08:24:11 +0000 A capsule study on hiring a Backend Developer! Developers can think of moulding Mobile App Development in various ways – (1) Native Mobile Applications, (2) Cross-Platform Native Mobile Applications, (3) Hybrid Mobile Applications, and (4) Progressive Web Applications. It majorly involves making use of different software development kits (SDK’s) and different development tool-chains. The mobile […]

The post How does mobile app backend development fit in the Software Development Equation? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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A capsule study on hiring a Backend Developer!

Developers can think of moulding Mobile App Development in various ways – (1) Native Mobile Applications, (2) Cross-Platform Native Mobile Applications, (3) Hybrid Mobile Applications, and (4) Progressive Web Applications. It majorly involves making use of different software development kits (SDK’s) and different development tool-chains. The mobile app development lifecycle has two interlinked core components – (1) The mobile application “Front-end” that resides on the mobile device, and (2) The services “Back-end” that supports the mobile front-end. While the backend is the foundational piece of a mobile application, the frontend participates equally to give perspective to a software development project. Let’s discuss!

How data sources/databases/backend fits in with Software Development Life Cycle

Mobile Development Lifecycle loops into the systematic cycle of (1) Business Modelling, (2) Requirements Gathering, (3) Analysis and Design, (4) Implementation, (5) Testing, (6) Deployment, (7) Maintenance and Monitoring. It depends upon the specific programming methodology – Agile Software Development, Scrum, Lean Software Development, Kanban, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Test-Driven Development (TDD), Extreme Programming, Rational Unified Process, Spiral Model, and Waterfall Model. In earlier days, mobile applications went through a similar evolution as the first websites. At that time applications and sites were a whole in themselves and resembled a little more than static advertisements for the brand, company, products, or service.

But gradually with the increase in connectivity and improved capabilities, the applications became increasingly connected to the data sources and information that lived outside of the app itself. This made the apps dynamic, enabling the developers to update the user interfaces and content with data received over the network from (queries to data sources) = database.

How front end communicates with the backend?

The mobile app front end obtains data from the back-end through multiple service calls. These service calls occur via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These APIs may or may not be owned by the same entities who develop the mobile applications. These APIs are often managed by third parties who know the extent to which the permissions have to be granted. The developers are often required to sign contracts with the third-party companies (advertising, social media) to obtain credentials and a key that grants access to the API and governs how that developer can use it, how much will it cost, how frequently it may be called, how much data can be requested over the specified period, and likewise.

Mobile front-end now relies on the back-end services, which provide data. Such data can be in various forms e.g. Medical Prescriptions, Patient History, Flight Schedules, Food Orders, Users Browsing history, list of movies, list of books, episodes – web series, match scores, heart rate, step count, weight, game levels, images and videos, coupons – deals – discounts, etc. Front-end picks the information like – (1) User Sign-up/Sign-in and Management, (2) Social login, (3) Analytics, (4) User Engagement, (5) Push Notifications, (6) Real Device Testing (Real-time)

Front end vs. Backend: How is the front-end different from the backend?

The mobile front-end deals with the visuals on screen, the interactive part of the application catering to the user experience. The mobile front end resides on the device or the catalogue. Once the application is released/published, it is downloadable from the platform app store, side-loaded directly onto the device, or is accessible through the device’s browser. The database is the storehouse of information that all the clients fetch from the server. A developer or mobile application programmer is skilled in the programming languages and technologies for creating front-end applications. The following diagram depicts the basic enterprise integration on Azure.

Backend Development

Image Source:

The right – side of the diagram shows various backend systems that ‘Azure’ has deployed. It includes SaaS systems, Azure web services that expose REST/SOAP endpoints.

But many different people are involved in designing and developing the front-end of the mobile application. There can be one full-stack developer who is skilled at handling the front-end and back-end of the application, or there can be tens, hundreds of people specialized in different skills.

Backend and Front end of the application work in conjunction allowing the users to use contact forms, and do any interactive activities while browsing a site.

Differences Front-End Developer Back-End Developer
Who are they? Front-end developers can imagine, create, deploy interactive and mobile-friendly applications for the web using the latest web technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+), and React. Front end developers can pair these skills with back-end technologies, developer tools (Bash, GIT, Automated Tests), and databases
They take care of icons, colours, themes, user interface designs, user experience, motion graphics etc.
Backend programmers have a pristine vision to look behind the scenes, mix and merge various technologies-databases-tools-frameworks to solve complex sets of problems, identify performance bottlenecks, propose viable fixes, and make faster-secure-stable-capable applications.
What tasks do they perform? A front-end developer is required to dissect interesting problems and design engaging solutions. They design, create, modify static web pages that comply with HTML5 specifications. They analyze the client-side performance of a webpage to interpret and rephrase consumer experience. They are also proficient in effectively working and collaborating on a software project, and interviewing confidently. Reliable back-end services are required to create a high-quality mobile application, regardless of the front-end platform or development methodology that is being used. They are involved in building code, debugging web applications, troubleshooting, Database management, framework utilization.
What are they focusing on? Front-end programming focuses on the visual elements of a website or app that a user will interact with (the client-side). Back-end development focuses on the side of a website users can’t see (the server-side).
Which programming languages do they use? HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS), PHP, Java, Python Ruby, Node.JS, Python, PHP, C#, Java, Perl, Visual Basic, Rust
Which frameworks do they use? Front-end developers also work with frameworks like AngularJS, React.js, jQuery, and Sass. Django, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, express.js, Flask, Meteor, Next.js

Is cloud backend similar to the usual backend?

When mobile developers are not particularly skilled in running a back-end infrastructure, they may prefer to take advantage of a cloud services provider. Latter can be a backend-as-a-service provider. This lets developers focus on their front-end/back-end coding to build the features and functionality that they are building in their app, without worrying about the flexibility of the overall application.

How do Backend Services work?

Backend services can be in form of a database that contains all the information used in the app. Mobile developers need to be aware of the network location of the database, the protocol to access it, the credentials for authenticating and authorizing the data access and the exact commands to extract the required information (processed data).

Alternatively, developers can also make use of specialized API when interacting with the database. At this point, they have to be aware of the parameters needed to call a function. They can also develop such APIs themselves.

Developers use REST API for interacting with data sources on the cloud or cloud database. They use GraphQL API as it eases the integration of backend data in a mobile application, and offers to query support through a single API endpoint, and a data schema that can be used to build data models.

What should be the skills of backend developers?

An ideal backend developer should be aware of Ruby, PHP, .Net, C#, Java as scripting languages; Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Django, Express as frameworks; SQL, MySQL, Oracle as database systems; GIT, CVS, SVN as version control; SOAP and REST as web services.

In Conclusion: Technologies Required to Build Backend

Developers need to consider which technologies they need to build themselves and which ones do they need to hire (leverage third-party services). Besides, they can always leverage cloud-based services – Cloud Storage, Real-time and Offline Data, Application Logic/Cloud Functions, for maintaining backend infrastructure. Ready to jumpstart your career as a UX/UI Designer or Coder?

While front-end and back-end development are somewhat similar, still both are essential for a web application or a mobile application to work well. They create functional, visually appealing applications. If you’re thinking of a foray in development but are not sure about your inclination, you can start will full-stack development, and move ahead with your area of interest from then onwards. Follow this space to know more about Frontend Developers, Backend Developers, or what is Backend Development and Frontend Development!

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The post How does mobile app backend development fit in the Software Development Equation? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How to succeed in Full Stack and Front-end Development? Wed, 02 Mar 2022 11:56:57 +0000 Here’s the pith of Front-End Development for your review, keep learning! Do you want to become a web developer? Web development isn’t one job these days. There is a range of technologies and career options to explore. The core responsibilities are split two ways – between front-end developers who specialize in websites and applications and […]

The post How to succeed in Full Stack and Front-end Development? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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Here’s the pith of Front-End Development for your review, keep learning!

Do you want to become a web developer? Web development isn’t one job these days. There is a range of technologies and career options to explore. The core responsibilities are split two ways – between front-end developers who specialize in websites and applications and back-end developers who work with servers and databases – but you can also become a full-stack developer who oversees all aspects of a project. This write-up provides a map of the core technologies and advice about mastering them, complemented with the details you need to connect them to jobs. Front-End Developers comprise 1/3rd of the total Web Developers. Rest are Full-Stack and back-end developers.


They deal with code that manages the interaction between the user and the web browser. Most people think that it is the design of the page but it is the interactions that happen between the user and websites. Front-end developers are expected to know more about the servers, programming. About half of the web developers are identified as back-end developers.


Besides traditional job titles, developers share certain traits. Developers work within and outside teams for small to large companies where they work on small parts of bigger projects. Most developers participate in code reviews, which means having other people look at your code to improve each other’s work. The majority of professional developers also contribute to open-source projects. This means that they publish their work for everyone to see and contribute to. All web developers use open-source projects so that they can learn how to work with open-source code. It’s important to learn to appreciate critique and be willing to help improve the work of others. Developers have to learn different types of tools that shift between projects. Development is for you if you enjoy the process of continuous learning and challenges.

What does a front-end developer need to know?

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTTP(S), accessible projects, design methodologies, development approaches, version control, server technologies, Front-end frameworks, Back-end languages, Libraries, Developer Tools, API’s and services.

A frontend developer is involved in building web designs, handed over from a User Interface Designer, with the help of programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But it’s not that easy.

What tools does a front-end developer need to learn about?

An increasing number of frontend developer tools like – (1) Sublime Text, (2) Chrome Developer Tools, (3) jQuery, (4) GitHub, (5) CodePen, (6) Angular.js, (7) Sass, often make it difficult to decide which ones to pick for your next project.

Categorization of Front-End Development Tools

These can further be categorized into one of these groups – (1) JavaScript Framework, (2) JAM STACK, (3) UI Component Libraries, (4) Quality Assurance and testing, (5) Low Code Tools. Let’s discuss it in detail.

JavaScript Framework: It is one of the preferred platforms to build dynamic web applications. They make complex JavaScript processes such as DOM manipulation (Document Object Model), complex state management, routing between pages, and form data management. React.js is an example of a popular framework or library. It comes with a vibrant community, declarative syntax using JSX, ease of managing and sharing state using hooks, a large ecosystem of packages to solve specific problems, cross-platform capabilities with React Native and React 3D. Others are Vue.js and Angular.js.

Jamstack: It commingles JavaScript, Mark-up, and APIs, helping front-end developers build fast, highly performant and scalable web applications/websites. Gatsby and Next.js are emerging JAMSTACK frameworks. While both have some overlapping features, the latter is a React framework for developing single-page JavaScript applications. It statically renders sites like blogs, corporate websites, and magazines, e-commerce shops, SaaS software etc. It features built-in image optimization, eliminates the need for loading spinners by making it possible to fetch data at build time or on the server, and creates a route by adding a file to the page’s directory.

UI Component Libraries: We interface two questions while starting with any new project – whether to build your UI internally or to buy a ready-made library of UI components. An existing UI component library saves time, increases developer productivity, and reduces time to market. Other popular UI component libraries include Material UI, AntDesign, Radix UI, and Chakra UI – It is simple, modular, flexible, and easy to use. Additionally, it also features (1) Style props, (2) Accessibility – right colour, contrast, keyboard, screen reader, (3) Customizable components.

Quality Assurance and Testing: Front-end testing is pivotal to ensure the stability and reliability of web apps. Cypress is a JavaScript end-to-end testing framework that allows front-end developers and QA engineers to write automated tests for their web applications. It features automatic waiting, and real-time reload.

Low Code Tools: Such tools require little to no code to build fully-featured websites and web applications. An example is Retool – which connects the datastore like Postgres, MongoDB, or Firebase. It enables writing queries in SQL or JavaScript. It also connects these queries and logic to the pre-built components like Data tables, Charts, Dropdowns, etc. It further organizes the components to help visually display and customize data.

What should you consider while choosing a tool for front-end development?

Your first step should be to research to find out your work process and choose the most efficient tool that accomplishes a task:

  • HTML5 Basics
  • CSS3 Basics
  • Advanced HTML5
  • Advanced CSS3
  • Advanced JavaScript
  • jQuery Basics
  • JavaScript Basics
  • Advanced jQuery
  • Bootstrap 4 Basics
  • SVG Basics
  • Advanced SVG
  • Advanced Bootstrap 4
  • Sublime Text 3 (Text Editor)
  • Brackets (Text Editor)
  • Atom (Text Editor)
  • Google Chrome (Web Browser)
  • Visual Studio Code (Text Editor)
  • Firefox (Web Browser)
  • Firefox Developer Edition (Web Browser)
  • Opera (Web Browser)
  • Microsoft Edge (Web Browser)

What are the three most popular front-end frameworks in 2022?

jquery, React.js, Angular, Vue.js, Backbone.js, Ember.js, Zurb-Foundation, Semantic UI, and some more.


What best practices should a Front-End Developer follow?

A front-end developer should be aware of:

  • How do websites work?
  • The difference between frontend and backend
  • How to use a code editor
  • Basic understanding of HTML-CSS-JavaScript
  • Package managers
  • Build tools
  • Version control
  • Sass
  • An understanding of responsive design
  • An understanding of JavaScript Framework
  • An understanding of back-end basics like servers, databases, and programming languages
  • An active GitHub profile
  • Knowledge of developing their projects
  • An understanding of NextJS/Redux for generating static websites or creating React Apps for building a standard React website with Redux for state management.
  • Tailwind for writing CSS.
  • SASS styled-components for more customization in React.
  • A knowing of a storybook – a build process for creating components as it allows for modularity.
  • An understanding of Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library, Cypress using unit tests for the code and components before they are sent to production.
  • An understanding of Sanity/Strapi – headless CMS to publish the content with the use of a GUI.
  • An understanding of Vercel, Netlify, AWS – CI/CD provider in combination with GitHub to ease the review process.
  • An understanding of headless architecture, isomorphic applications, Typescript, MicroFrontends, Web Components, GraphQL as an alternative to REST API to fetch declarative data from a single endpoint, component-driven development, and progressive web applications.
  • CSS Frameworks – Bootstrap, Ulkit, Semantic UI, Foundation, Bulma, Tailwind CSS, Spectre
  • JavaScript Frameworks – Angular, React, Vue.js, Ember.js, Meteor, Node.js, jQuery
  • An understanding of HyperText Markup Language, Cascading Style Scripts, Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets, Leaner Style Sheets, JavaScript, Typescript
  • Version Control System – GitHub, GitLab, AWS CodeCommit, Beanstalk, Apache Subversion
  • An understanding of Micro-FrontEnd
  • An understanding of testing and code analysis tools – Unit testing, Visual regression testing, acceptance testing, performance testing, integration testing, accessibility testing, End-to-End testing, Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing, LambdaTest, Chrome DevTools, Selenium, Needle, Page Speed, YSlow, Jest, Mocha, Jasmine, Cypress
  • An understanding of web security and communication protocols – IPsec – Internet Protocol Security, IKE – Internet Key Exchange, SSH – Secure Shell, SSL – Secure Socket Layer, HTTPS – Secure Embedded Web Server, RADIUS – Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service, TLS – Transport Layer Security, SET – Secure Electronic Transaction, PEM – Privacy Enhanced Mail
  • Knowledge of Static Site Generator (SSG) – Next.js, Gatsby, Hugo, GitBook, Jekyll, Eleventy, Nuxt, Docsify, VuePress, Gridsome
  • Knowledge of project management tools – NPM, Yarn, Bower, JSPM

In Conclusion:

Front-end is a combination of graphic design (the look) and the user interface (the feel). Both these are uniquely independent but coalesce to give the result. Most of the technical work goes into the user interface using frontend technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Web development companies consider all these and more. To stay ahead, keep learning!

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