Hire Developer by In-depth Research of IT Firms Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:10:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 In-house vs. Outsourced Developers: In and Out of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company https://www.itfirms.co/inhouse-vs-outsourced-developers/ Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:10:06 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=14794 Outsourcing makes you hire outside talent that is not directly affiliated with your company. Insourcing or in-house hiring makes you hire a team from within the organization. Read More! What is the main difference between in-house developers and service workers? Which one to choose: in-house or Outsourced? When should you hire an in-house development team? […]

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Outsourcing makes you hire outside talent that is not directly affiliated with your company. Insourcing or in-house hiring makes you hire a team from within the organization. Read More!

First off, an in-house team is liable to you and dedicated to your business. They cannot work for any other service provider. But an outsourced team does not exclusively work for you on your project. They can be hired by any other business simultaneously and may have to split their efforts and time according to need.

What is the main difference between in-house developers and service workers?

In-house developers are those who work directly for a company or organization, while outsourced developers are contracted to work on specific projects for a company, but are not employees of that company. Here are some key differences between the two:

  • 1. Control: In-house developers are directly managed by the company they work for, giving the company greater control over the development process. Outsourced developers may work independently, meaning that the company has less direct control over the work being done.
  • 2. Familiarity with the company: In-house developers are likely to be more familiar with the company’s culture, products, and goals, while outsourced developers may need to spend time getting up to speed on these aspects of the company before they can effectively contribute.
  • 3. Cost: In-house developers are typically more expensive than outsourced developers because they require salaries, benefits, and other expenses associated with full-time employment. Outsourced developers are generally paid on a project-by-project basis, which can be more cost effective for a company.
  • 4. Availability: In-house developers are available to work on projects full-time and are generally more accessible to the company, while outsourced developers may be working on multiple projects at once, which can affect their availability.
  • 5. Communication: In-house developers have direct access to company stakeholders, which can make communication and collaboration more seamless. Outsourced developers may work remotely, which can make communication and collaboration more challenging.

Which one to choose: in-house or Outsourced?

The decision to use in-house or outsourced developers depends on a company’s specific needs, resources, and goals. Some companies may prefer the greater control and familiarity provided by in-house developers, while others may prioritize cost-effectiveness and flexibility with outsourced developers. When you need to patch the talent gap, hire web developers from another organization. But if you think that changing roles and responsibilities can work out, then hire an in-house developer.

When should you hire an in-house development team?

In-house business models involve hiring employees and building the necessary infrastructure and resources within the organization. This approach provides more control over the business processes, better communication, and easier management of employees. However, it also requires more investment, resources, and time.

You will find this conversation more useful when you are at a point where you need more help in your business. It is possible that your in-house team lacks the necessary skills and experience for a given project. In-house developers need to be dedicated. Hiring an in-house team can cause you in retaining knowledge, and improve and facilitate better communication and collaboration.

The team to be hired in-house should be culturally close and must be able to value organizational culture. They should together act as a cohesive whole and enforce a positive work environment. With an in-house team, you can exercise full control over your team’s work, schedules, and deadlines. In-house hiring is suitable when organizations need to keep their data confidential. Also, hiring dedicated developers is a long-term investment and leads to organizational growth and success.

There are also potential downsides to hiring an in-house team, such as higher costs and a lack of flexibility. It’s important to carefully evaluate your organization’s needs and resources before deciding whether to hire a mobile app development team in-house or outsource.

When should you outsource a development team?

Outsourcing, on the other hand, involves contracting third-party companies to perform certain business functions. This approach can be more cost-effective and allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while leaving specialized tasks to experts. However, it can also result in reduced control over the processes, communication challenges, and potential security risks.

Outsourcing can be a great option for some reasons – When you fall short of in-house expertise when you need to cut costs and hire mobile app developers from a low-cost location when you need to scale your existing team when you are short on time as an experienced developer is able to do work more efficiently than a non-trained one. Also, outsourcing brings in the global pool of talent under one roof.

We’ve discussed the features and advantages but organizations face a lot many more challenges than are just visible on the interface. While outsourcing can mean a reduction in hiring costs, it may still be a hassle to communicate with remote developers.

Managing and aligning their working schedule along with the availability of in-house developers, checking the quality of code, testing techniques, maintenance, and design becomes a long-lasting process as there are chances of breaking one link or the other. It might be slightly difficult to integrate outsourcing teams with in-house teams as businesses must establish clear roles and responsibilities, communication channels, and processes for collaboration.

Still, outsourcing development teams can be a great way to accelerate product development and access specialized skills. However, businesses must consider these challenges and take steps to address them to ensure a successful outsourcing project.

How should you decide?

The decision between in-house and outsourcing business models depends on the specific needs and goals of the company. Factors such as the level of control needed, cost considerations, the nature of the business, and the availability of resources should all be taken into account when making this decision.

If you do not have extra money to spend on hiring and recruitment, and retention of developers, it is advisable to create your own infrastructure or cover possible risks.

Why should you hire a dedicated development team (Inhouse and Outsource)?

It’s totally your judgment in the end, but in our opinion hiring a dedicated development team is more suitable for complex long-term projects. If you are an early-stage startup, hiring a dedicated development team will help you out if there is a need to expand the project in the future. The same team knows where to add modules and what will work best. Also, the same team can help you in the discovery stage without fearing spending extra money.

While insourcing has its benefits, outsourcing is a great way to cut costs for long-term projects. It is very suitable to scale when you outsource mobile developers. But surely one size does not fit all and it depends upon individual preferences, suitability, demographics, availability of developers, business budget, location of developers, their age, and their expertise, to decide what will fit into your bill.

Key Takeaway: In-house vs. Service Workers

Although both approaches to development have their own advantages and disadvantages, in-house developers are more aware of their needs and can adapt easily and move ahead. They are more compatible with the organization and are a cultural fit.

Plus, when your project is long-term, has unique expertise requirements, has security and confidentiality concerns, communication and collaboration, and the ability to scale the team when required.

For mobile app development companies who wish to hire In-house Developers:

  • 1. Control: In-house developers offer better control over the development process and can make changes in real-time.
  • 2. Company culture: In-house developers are already familiar with the company culture, work ethics, and project goals.
  • 3. Collaboration: In-house developers can collaborate more effectively with other teams within the company.
  • 4. Long-term commitment: In-house developers are likely to have a long-term commitment to the company and are more invested in the project’s success.

For mobile app development companies who wish to hire Outsourced Developers:

  • 1. Cost: Outsourced developers are generally less expensive than in-house developers, as they don’t require salaries, benefits, or office space.
  • 2. Scalability: Outsourced developers offer more flexibility and scalability in terms of team size and project requirements.
  • 3. Expertise: Outsourced developers bring a diverse set of skills and expertise that can help businesses overcome technical challenges.
  • 4. Faster time-to-market: Outsourced developers can help businesses launch products faster and more efficiently.
  • 5. Reduced risk: Outsourcing reduces the risks associated with hiring in-house developers, such as employee turnover and HR issues.

If you are a web development company or a mobile app development company and need to hire senior pre-vetted remote developers with strong technical and communication skills at unbeatable prices, hook yourself to this space to seek all the details!

The post In-house vs. Outsourced Developers: In and Out of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How to Hire Vetted Angular Developers to Join the Frontend Revolt? https://www.itfirms.co/how-to-hire-vetted-angular-developers-to-join-frontend-revolt/ Mon, 30 Jan 2023 12:08:22 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=14070 “Challenge to hire vetted Angular developers? This in-depth guide helps you find the best Angular developers who adhere to high-quality coding standards.” What is Angular? Why Should You Hire Angular Developers? Readability Progressive Web Apps Development Angular CLI Two-Way Data Binding Pursue Modular Development Structure Endorsed by Google How to Hire Angular Developers? Ensure You […]

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“Challenge to hire vetted Angular developers? This in-depth guide helps you find the best Angular developers who adhere to high-quality coding standards.”

With its release in 2016, Angular quickly became the technology of choice for front-end developers who wished to build dynamic web applications and SPAs.

Angular is the fifth most used web framework among developers with 20.39% of developers using the framework worldwide.

developers using the Angular framework worldwide

Image credit: Statista

Backed by Google Angular is expected to grow in terms of popularity in the upcoming days. The growing popularity of the framework resulted in an increased number of AngularJS developers. Therefore finding vetted developers that have got all the skills required to build your robust web application using Angular. We have mentioned a few factors that will help you pick the right developer for your project.

So, let’s get started.

What is Angular?

The Angular framework is an open-source web application framework based on TypeScript and led by the Google developer community.

Angular is the framework that comes with code reusability and allows web developers to build applications that can be deployed on multiple platforms i.e. web, mobile web, native mobile, and native desktop.

The framework is the most solicited among frontend web developers due to its availability of incredible tooling that allows the developers to shift their focus on building amazing apps rather than writing the repetitive line of codes thanks to code reusability.

Some of the leading brands that opted for Angular in their modern web application development pipelines:

  • PayPal
  • Upwork
  • Gmail
  • Forbes
  • Samsung
  • Microsoft Xbox
  • The Guardia
  • Lego

Why Should You Hire Angular Developers?

Creating a positive online experience is the key to building a successful business that captures the attention of your customers and encourages them to return. The competencies of Angular are building a professional-looking user interface that relinquishes a positive customer experience.

Below we have given you an overview of a lot of benefits that you can avail yourself by hiring Angular developers:


As said above, Angular uses Typescript. The TypeScript language adjusts and manipulates JavaScript in a legible manner to make reading & understanding easier for developers. When developers have a good understanding of the coding, they will be more productive and confident about the results they are producing.

Progressive Web Apps Development

Progressive web apps or PWA are today’s hottest trend in web app development companies. Angular seems to be the right choice for the development of web applications thanks to its modern web platforms capabilities such as app-like experience, offline access, and high performance.

Angular CLI

With Angular, you get a command-line interface (CLI) that provides a wide range of helpful coding tools to ease your development journey. Angular CLI also amplifies the developer’s capabilities by allowing them to integrate third-party libraries.

Two-Way Data Binding

Angular offers support for two-way data binding which means the developers can effortlessly exchange data from component to DOM and vice versa. To be said in simple words, Angular displays the data to the end users and at the same time enables the end users to make changes to the displayed data using the intuitive user interface.

Pursue Modular Development Structure

As Angular follows the modular development structure, it allows developers to separate their code into modules. When coding is moved into a module, the developer has an easier time managing the chunk of code effectively and thus is able to reduce development time and costs. In addition to that, Angular brings ready-made components for developers to help them implement the new features effectively.

Endorsed by Google

Google is the brain behind the innovation of the development of the Angular framework. The active team of developers keeps adding new functionalities to the framework from time to time. The continuous improvement in the framework makes it an ideal choice for all scales of enterprises to hire angular developers to utilize the capabilities of the framework efficiently.

How to Hire Angular Developers?

Now, let’s come to the important question of how to hire Angular developers. Scroll down to explore the factors that you should consider to make sure you choose the right developer that has all the expertise required to lead your project from the ground to the height of success:

Ensure You are Well Prepared

Before you commence your hiring journey, make sure you’re well-versed in your project requirement. It is not necessary to develop much knowledge regarding Angular, all you need is to know the requirements and goals that you yearn to secure.

At the same time, you also need to decide the number of developers that you want to hire and the timeframe in which you want to accomplish your goals.

You should also note down the budget that you can spend on your project to make sure you have ample budget to attain your goals without shattering the bank.

Document Your Requirement

Maybe you have settled on all the development requirements that you are going to follow, but how are you going to decipher your requirements for Angular developers? Therefore, you need to make a document mentioning your requirements unequivocally.

Embark On Your Journey of Searching Potential Angular Developers

This is the time when your job of hiring Angular developers begins. The best way to find a list of the web application development companies in India that offers Angular development services.
You also have the option to hire freelance Angular developers, but this hiring model comes with a lot of challenges. A freelancer often struggles to meet deadlines and holds very less responsibilities toward adhering to all the guidelines shared by the client.

Consequently, the only choice you are left with is to hire a web development company as they are professional and held responsible for their every action.

Verify the Developer’s Expertise in TypeScript

TypeScript is renowned as the extended version of JavaScript and was introduced with the vision of progressing the developer’s experience. Since Angular is powered by TypeScript, the developers you choose should be well-versed in the capabilities of TypeScript.

In addition to TypeScript, the developers you are inspired to hire should have knowledge of other programming languages as well such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Competent Understanding of the Angular Frameworks

Angular is a rich frontend framework in terms of features such as Command-Line Interface (CLI), IDEs and so many others. The Angular developers should be well adept at the framework features and put them to the work for your enterprise project.

Interview the Selected Developers

Once you have a list of the Angular developers that you believe have the specialists to lead your project from conceptual to a beautiful user interface. You can review the resume of the developers and engross them in one-to-one communication mode to hire Angularjs developers in India who perfectly match your requirements.

On-Board the Angular Developers

Now, it is time to sign the contract between you and your chosen AngularJS development company. To ensure the confidentiality of your project, we advise you to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

Get Your Project Off to the Right Start With the Best AngularJs Development Company

The power of AngularJS is getting more and more apparent with time. By constituting a partnership with skilled AngularJS developers in India, you can comprehend the true potential of the framework.

If you’re puzzled to find professional Angularjs development companies then ITfirms is on your way to help you with your search. We have brought together a list of the top AngularJS development companies and developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to hire dedicated AngularJS developers?

Consider hiring Angular developers, but if the cost is holding you back, then you should learn that cost is composed of multiple factors such as the developer’s location, experience level, the complexity of the project, and so on. Since these factors are divergent for each project, predicting the accurate estimation regarding the cost is not feasible. Therefore have a consultation with an AngularJS development company to make a prediction regarding the cost.

2. What Angular development services do Angular developers offer?

Angular developers are proficient in offering a multitude of services as mentioned below:

  • Angular REST API development
  • Angular enterprise application development
  • Angular UI bootstrap
  • Directives and dependency injection
  • Angular third-party integration

3. What are the best Angular UI frameworks?

  • Suave UI
  • PrimeNG
  • UI Bootstrap
  • Angular UI Grid
  • Angular UI Tree
  • Angular Material

4. What is the difference between Angular and AngularJS?

Both Angular and AngularJS are front-end open-source frameworks. Talking about the difference between Angular vs AngularJS, Angular is based on Typescript while on the other hand AngularJS is based on JavaScript.

The post How to Hire Vetted Angular Developers to Join the Frontend Revolt? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Ascertain How to Hire Front End Developers without a Flinch From the Professionals https://www.itfirms.co/how-to-hire-front-end-developers/ Thu, 05 Jan 2023 12:54:14 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=13786 “Looking for hiring front end developers? Ascertain how to hire frontend developers from the professional to get masterful results that will exceed your expectations.” Why Should You Consider Hiring Front End Developers? First Impressions are Vital Adaptive Design for Visitors’ Screen Size The Amalgamation of Animations to Make Web Pages More Interactive Accelerating and Scaling […]

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“Looking for hiring front end developers? Ascertain how to hire frontend developers from the professional to get masterful results that will exceed your expectations.”

As we enter a new era in which the internet has become a very important component for the success of any business, having a functional, attractive, and clean online presence is essential.

As outlined in a study from Foresters, improving the user experience of a website or mobile app can increase the conversion rate by up to 200%.

As far as developing functional, attractive, and clean user interfaces is concerned, it can’t be done without hiring front end developers.

Front-end developers are well versed in creating user interfaces that stay in the user’s mind and allow them to interact as easily as possible with them.

Zippia, one of the leading career experts in the USA, estimates that there are over 80,827 people who work in the field of front-end development presently alone in the United States.

The number of front end experts has been growing steadily all around the globe, so how would you choose one that is going to fit your project requirements perfectly?

Here in this blog, we will provide you with a brief insight into the benefits of hiring front-end developers as well as the skills and hiring costs associated with them.

So, let’s get started.

Why Should You Consider Hiring Front End Developers?

Here you will get to know about the benefits that you can avail yourself by considering front end developers for hire:

First Impressions are Vital

The key to overall customer satisfaction is a positive customer experience. According to a study conducted by Paradigm, 75% of website or app credibility comes from the user interface.

39% of visitors will abandon a website if they find it difficult to navigate or if loading takes too long. Thus, it is crucial that you instill a captivating user experience at the beginning of your project if you wish to be successful.

With their vast industry experience, front-end professionals can create an experience that transmits trust and integrity to the user.

Adaptive Design for Visitors’ Screen Size

Responsive design is defined as the process of arranging content and elements on a website so that they can adjust automatically based on the size of the screen the visitor is viewing.

As reported by GoodFirms in their recent survey, 73.1% of web designers believe that a non-responsive website design is the main reason why conversion rates are low.

The developers who handle the front end of your website can also design a responsive design, which will result in the website becoming quicker, easier to use, and more accessible on different screens.

The Amalgamation of Animations to Make Web Pages More Interactive

Animated graphics are an excellent way to catch visitors’ attention, increase engagement, and improve communication.

Front-end developers possess expertise in animations and programming tools for developing web pages to make them more interactive by using animations and programming codes.

The front-end developer can use code to implement a variety of interactions, from clicking a button to scrolling down a web page, that front-end developers can implement in an interactive way.

Accelerating and Scaling Websites and Applications

It is estimated that more than 53% of the user base of the website has been lost as a result of the slow loading time.

Developers responsible for front-end aspects of websites and applications are responsible for speeding up loading times and ensuring the user experience is smooth.

As well as ensuring that the front end works well, experts check that the app is secure, compliant with a variety of devices, and has a good user interface.

Front End Developers Skills to Produce Masterful Results

When it comes to front end developers skills, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are often the most commonly taught. Having these skills is an essential requirement for a front-end developer. However, in addition to these, there are several other skills that developers should possess to produce mindful results for businesses:

Understanding of Frontend Frameworks and Libraries

The introduction of frameworks is widely used as a way of simplifying the fronted development process and making it a smooth journey for creating captivating user experiences.

A few of the most popular front end frameworks available in the market are mentioned below:

  • Vue.JS
  • Angular
  • Svelte
  • React

Visual Skills

A front-end developer with a strong visual sense, a passion for design, and the ability to see aesthetics in a design should be one of your top priorities.

Having a professional who understands your creative vision for your business and works with designers to make sure that it is brought to life on the web is critical for success.


AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. As a bridge between the client and the server, the programming language serves as the conduit between those two.

For example, when a web browser, e.g. a user, requests the server, then AJAX can deliver a response to the user without forcing the page to be reloaded. Because AJAX works asynchronously, the site does not freeze until the server has responded.

Understanding the principles of Ajax will give the developers an edge in creating instant responses for the users, resulting in a better end-user experience.

Browser Developer Tools

Today’s modern browsers, be it Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, provide developers with the means to build rich web apps with ease. Developer tools include the ability to inspect HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to determine which assets have been requested by a page and how long it took to load them.

By having the skill set and expertise across a variety of browser dev tools, you can produce interactive and rich user interfaces.

Testing and Debugging

Among the most important skills that a front-end developer ought to possess is the ability to perform testing. By testing the user interface, developers ensure that it is free from all kinds of bugs and glitches that could negatively affect the user experience.

Responsive Design

In the present day, there is a vast number of devices available in the market like desktops, tablets, and smartphones. You should have a well-versed developer who knows the ins and outs of responsive design to ensure that your web application doesn’t lose its charm on different screen sizes.

What Do You Need to Know About Hiring Front End Developers?

There are multiple ways through which you can hire front-end developers. Here we’re going to walk through the different frontend developers hiring models:

Freelance Front End Developers

Hiring a freelance front end developer is one of the most affordable options. Freelance developers work individually.

Freelancers offer low-cost development services, which is one of the most appealing benefits of hiring a freelancer.

There is another advantage to hiring freelance developers, which is that you can hire them only whenever you need them.

Freelance developers are proven to be the best choice when you’re working on a small project and require resources for a short amount of time. In contrast, if you have a complex project that needs to be handled by someone who will be liable for adhering to deadlines, freelance developers often find it difficult to take on the challenge.

In-House Frontend Developers

The term “in-house front end developers” refers to hiring a team of developers to handle the business side of the company.

It turned out that hiring front-end developers in-house has been the best decision for businesses with long-term business goals to achieve.

Their sole objective is to run your business efficiently and effectively and they are at your disposal at any time to deal with any urgent requirements.

In-house developers seem to be the most beneficial option to choose. Nevertheless, they often cause organizations concern due to their high costs. Hiring can be a long and difficult process, especially if your organization is located in a small town where it is very difficult to find skilled candidates.

Outsourcing Developers

In terms of hiring, this hiring model has proved to be the best option for companies looking to gain the benefits of in-house developers without spending too much time and money on infrastructure setup, lengthy development processes, etc.

Under this hiring model, you can hire front end developers from any of the offshore development companies from any country. Your project will be built by remote developers who are under your supervision and working from a remote location.

Aside from the above-mentioned advantages, working with offshore developers will give you access to a global talent pool, which will increase your chances of success in the long run as well. Additionally, you will be able to scale up or down your team of developers depending on the scale of the project you are working on.

In terms of price, hiring offshore front end web app developers is more expensive than using freelancing developers, but the benefits they provide are justified. Since outsourced developers are located in different locations, time-zone issues may occur.

As far as hiring offshore developers is concerned, the benefits are surely enticing. For you to be able to reap these rewards, follow the easy guide to hiring the best offshore development team and start translating your vision.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire Front End Developers?

Several factors should be taken into consideration when estimating the cost of hiring front-end developers. The effects of each of these factors on the cost can be seen in a variety of ways;

  • The complexity of the project
  • Experience level of frontend developers
  • Location of outsourced frontend developers or freelancers
  • Selection of technology stack

Every project has its own set of factors that contribute to its success. Due to this, it is impossible to provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost of hiring frontend developers.

As a general estimation, if you hire front-end developers from India, then they will cost you somewhere between $20-$50/hour.

Final Take: How to Get the Best Results by Working with Your New Hire?

When hiring a front end specialist, your primary goal is to develop a website that will be able to adapt to any device and will appear great on all of them. The next struggle for you once you have found the right developers to work with is finding the ways for you to get the best results from them.

As a best practice, we recommend that you create a document that summarizes all the requirements you have for your new hires, and have a detailed discussion with them regarding the goals that you wish to attain with their employment.

During the frontend development process keep yourself engaged with the developers and stay informed about the progress of developers. By doing so, you will be able to make sure that your development journey is heading in the right way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different steps in the process of hiring front end developers?

Here is how you choose the right front end developers for hire:

  • Analyze your requirements in detail
  • Know where you can look for developers
  • Analyze front end developers skills
  • Schedule an interview with the developer
  • Carry out skill test
  • Onboard the developer

Why hire remote front end developers?

  • Access to global talent
  • Pivotal in augmenting your in-house team
  • Cost-saving
  • Access to all the crucial skills and technical expertise required
  • Free from infrastructure cost
  • Easy scalability

What are the different types of front end developers available to hire?

On the basis of experience, mainly there are three types of frontend developers as mentioned below:

  • Junior front end developers: 0 to 1 year of experience
  • Middle front end developers: 1 to 3 years of experience
  • Senior front end developers: More than 5 years of experience

The post Ascertain How to Hire Front End Developers without a Flinch From the Professionals appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How and why should IT Companies outsource IT Developers? https://www.itfirms.co/how-and-why-should-it-companies-outsource-it-developers/ Thu, 30 Jun 2022 13:34:35 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=11798 Hiring Software Engineers that closely follow the Agile process, adaptive planning, project updates, and early delivery to remain informed about the project development process! The COVID19 pandemic has made a seismic change in the IT sector. Even since the governments (global) enforced the initial lockdown in 2020, the entire sector swiftly transitioned and adopted a […]

The post How and why should IT Companies outsource IT Developers? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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Hiring Software Engineers that closely follow the Agile process, adaptive planning, project updates, and early delivery to remain informed about the project development process!

The COVID19 pandemic has made a seismic change in the IT sector. Even since the governments (global) enforced the initial lockdown in 2020, the entire sector swiftly transitioned and adopted a digital approach. The move has changed the way IT recruiters think. Businesses started spreading their wings online and routed their physical hiring to the next level with IT Outsourcing. Many companies have risen to the occasion and are helping businesses to do better. IT Outsourcing has seen

According to Kruche and Company, IT Outsourcing accounts for 13.6% of the total IT Budget in 2020/21, which is a notch above 12.7% from 2019.

Impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on the markets

Statista and KPMG discern their opinion on basis of revenue, analyst opinion, global comparison, methodology, and key market indicators for myriad outsourcing needs – administration outsourcing, application outsourcing, IT Outsourcing, and Web Hosting. There has been a steady growth (in billion USD) over a period of time from 2016 to 2027.

Leveraging their experience in-house development teams in IT Companies have been on a massive hiring spree to meet the talent crunch for their ongoing and upcoming projects. While legacy IT projects are focused on maintenance and have fewer resources to manage, this digital transformation will ultimately result in future requirements increasing exponentially, along with the talent required to service them.

The Economic Times reports that HFS Research records that Tier 1 Indian heritage providers overlit 60% of the major IT Service leads. They are on a 10-year roadmap to expand a full virtual business ecosystem where tech delivery is at the core of every business.

The Grand View Research says that the Global IT Services Outsourcing Market stands at USD 520.74 billion in 2019 and is growing at a CAGR of 7.7% from 2020 to 2027.

What is the need to outsource?

Companies need to subcontract IT operations to keep pace with the market dynamics and reduce their lead time, and overhead costs.

Contrary to this a Deloitte case study says that multinational companies have developed Global In-House Centers (GICs) in India, besides resource centers, quality centers, global delivery centers, and market expansion centers to leverage the nation’s low-cost, skilled talent pool, and reduce the cost of ownership and delivery. This investment is an arbitrage between the cost and talent and significantly helps organizations in their business functions.

According to NASSCOM, India-based Global Capability Centers (GCC) enable organizations to retain control, insource core functions, and hold on to in-house expertise. When such centers are stuffed with the right talent and commercial effectiveness, these account for approximately half of global GCC revenue. Nearly 1250 multinational corporations set up 1750+ Global Capability Centers in India in Financial Year 2019, growing at a CAGR of 11 percent, year on year.

As the IT industry continues to witness demand for IT operations, it calls for companies to focus on their core tasks to reduce operational costs. Aeronautical companies, defence and BFSI sectors that demand information technology services outsourcing have to be vigilant regarding data security, and customer-centricity in projects. In addition to outsourcing, they are streamlining IT strategy, enterprise architecture advisory, effective and smooth digital transformation, portfolio consulting.

USA IT Outsourcing Market Size

Companies delegate time-consuming and tedious tasks to service providers. This empowers them to concentrate on core business functionalities and reduce the load on their in-house resources. It benefits them by optimizing capacity, optimizing resources, giving them the flexibility to meet the demands of the changing commercial environment, and better access to intellectual property.

What monetization models should companies follow while outsourcing Top App Developers in India?

IT Service providers come up with differential pricing plans to outsource developers. Cloud computing fuels market growth by deploying a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) model that enables service providers to earn through cloud-based offerings. Outsourcing allows companies to reduce their operational risk as they are dependent on different vendors.

Best Mobile App Development Companies implement multi-sourcing models, which often becomes challenging as they have to continually coordinate with the suppliers. Also, SMBs are increasingly adopting digitization trends, large businesses are opting for advanced IT infrastructure, and the development of Industrial Internet of Things (IioT) across industry 4.0 platforms will expand IT operations within a hybrid IT-managed environment.

How should you organize your app development teams smartly?

  • Decipher your expectations about how the team should be.
  • Hire skilled developers according to your outsourced project.
    • Start with checking the company’s track record
    • Introspect the type of outsourcing services that you are seeking
    • Research about the owners of the outsourcing company
    • Get a bit closer to the whereabouts of the company, what it does, how has it performed in the past, what do clients say about it,
    • Get code samples
    • Visit them before hiring them
  • Define every team member’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Ensure that every member on board understands what they are required to do.
  • What technologies they have worked with and are they willing to experiment with the new ones?
  • Can you implement new collaboration tools to boost the team’s productivity?

How does outsourcing benefit organizations?

Outsourcing software development services/teams help companies access a diverse pool of talent in a quicker and cost-efficient way.

Another way round, choosing the wrong outsourcing team can double your costs, and lead to a poor experience, and software overall.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to seek recommendations (referrals) from people known to you. Search on Google, and look for both paid and organic search results.

Look for listings by the best research firms (company directories). Companies like ITFirms, Clutch, Business of Apps, GoodFirms, The Manifest, Appfutura, G2, Movavi, Upcity, CrowdReviews, Reputedfirms, and ServB2B Marketplace etc.

Also, looking on the web to find a software development company may yield some results, but it is always a better idea to look within the vicinity first.

Best mobile app/web development companies will engulf technology stack, skilled developers, expertise, hands-on training, time zone flexibility, and adherence to timelines.

Such companies are often reviewed higher than their counterparts.

It, therefore, becomes easier to spot them, shortlist them, and interview, them before the final selection round. Moreover, reading their case studies will always be handy.

By The Way: What pro tips should you pick from this excerpt?

We have discussed all possibilities of must-haves for outsourcing development teams. But what if you are not able to fit into any of the above scenarios, and are not able to find any such company. It is advisable to look for smaller software development houses that have skilled developers. It can prove to be a cost-effective option, and lead to quick communication and reduce delays. Hire a web development team to see a full-cycle software product development.

Please share your suggestions at info@itfirms.co

The post How and why should IT Companies outsource IT Developers? appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How to Recruit Awesome Node.js Developers https://www.itfirms.co/how-to-recruit-awesome-node-js-developers/ Thu, 02 Apr 2020 10:38:35 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=5117 We are quoting some handy take-aways’ about hiring best Node.js developers here. Read and get benefitted by outsourcing Node.js Development teams right away! Table of Contents The Goal Behind Development of Node.js Facts to Know About Node.JS Following Up With Node.JS Architecture Growing A Proper Node.JS Development Team How to find a Node.js programmer Finding […]

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We are quoting some handy take-aways’ about hiring best Node.js developers here. Read and get benefitted by outsourcing Node.js Development teams right away!

Node.js is an open-source, lightweight, server-side runtime environment used to build a fast and scalable web server in just a few minutes.

The Goal Behind Development of Node.js

There was a need to build a system to create websites with push capability in real-time. The event-driven paradigm was the epicentre of the Node. This helped developers to create 2-way connection websites (client and server) with free data exchange.

Facts to Know About Node.JS

  • Asynchronous: Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine.
  • What does this imply: Many connections get handled concurrently. The callback is fired upon every connection. Node.js goes to sleep in an idle state.

  • Scalability: Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications.
  • What does this imply: Node.js works on a single-threaded event loop model, in contrast to today’s more common concurrency model. Thread-based networking is very difficult to use and relatively inefficient. Node.js are free from worries of dead-locking the process since there are no locks. Almost no function in Node.js directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks. Because of nothing blocks, It is very reasonable to construct scalable systems in Node.js.

  • Event loop: js does not agree with the start-the-event-loop-call.
  • What does this imply: It rather presents an event loop as a runtime construct instead of as a library. So it’s behaviour is irrespective of the numerous callbacks, either at the beginning of a script or at the end of a server.

  • Suitability as a Web Development Framework: Node as a web server using HTTP
  • What does this imply: HTTP Modules are an integral part of the Node.JS Framework to be used in developing web servers. The resultant application can be made to listen on a particular port and send a response to the client whenever a request is made to the application. This ‘request’ module can be used to fetch information from the web sites.

    Following Up With Node.JS Architecture

    Node.js architecture is based on Single-Threaded with Event Loop Model with JavaScript Callback Mechanism which makes Node.js easy to handle and amazing to code with:

    • It is relatively easy to handle multiple, concurrent client requests with Node.js.
    • The presence of an event loop reduces the need to create threads.
    • The presence of less thread utilizes less memory.

    Growing A Proper Node.JS Development Team

    • Keeping a tab on Node.js development market
    • Looking for fresh and experienced Node.js developers or those currently into PHP, Java, .Net and are ready to transition into Node.js
    • The required Skillset for Best Node.js Developer:
    • Adept with JavaScript/Typescript
    • Knowledge of Functional Programming
    • Knowledge of High-level programming architecture patterns like MVC, MVVP, MVVM etc.
    • Must be experienced in working on any backend solution and frameworks like Express.js, Nest.js, Koa, Hapi etc.
    • Must have a working knowledge of common development tools like GIT, ESLInt, Prettier
    • Must have practical knowledge of SQL(MySQL and PostgreSQL) or NoSQL (MongoDB) databases.
    • Must know Docker and Docker Compose, CI/CD

    How to find a Node.js programmer

    Now as we are aware of the required skillsets of the prospects – it can be divided into four sections:

    • Inbound: looking for the candidates within internal departments, those that can be migrated to work on other technologies.
    • Outbound: looking for the candidates in an external environment via a direct search.
    • Tools: what tools, apps and websites can help speed up the recruitment process.
    • Outsourcing: reaching out to a software company that has the kind of Node.js developers that we need.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Inbound

    Some of the most popular and efficient inbound methods of finding Node.js developers include The career page of the organization’s website, the social media, posting the job requirement on job portals, providing internships to eligible candidates, organizing free webinars to position your business, looking at the referrals and outdoor advertising in print media or university/organization’s anniversary events etc.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Outbound

    Supplement your inbound search with some strategy and speed by implementing outbound methods of searching a Node.js developer. Out of the various search methods: Direct search, third-party conferences and events and self-organized events where there is the freedom to interact with participants.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Tools

    To support inbound and outbound marketing and recruitment efforts, tools come handy: Recruitment management tools like applicant tracking systems (ATSes), Recruitee, Traffit, SmartRecruiters and many other jobs portals can be used by the recruiters to float their applications. Besides, many sourcing tools like LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, AmazingHiring, Intelligent Search and screening platforms like Codility, Devskiller, Interview Mocha. Moreover, B2B review services like Goodfirms, Clutch, G2, ITfirms, Appfutura allow businesses to review software companies.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Outsourcing

    Outsourcing becomes the best option when a business needs to customize their product, need to adapt to changing market conditions, need to secure new financing, need a faster time to market.


    Consequent to the huge demand and effectiveness of JavaScript in keeping up with client-side code there was a need to have a server-side programming capability among developers for some time. Node.js filled this gap by being event-driven and callback driven. Top node.js development companies can adopt software development outsourcing as Node.js is comparable to PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Golang – Node.js is being used by Fortune 500 Companies and rates highest on scales of Performance, security, coding efficiency and open-source framework. Big banners like NASA, IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Walmart, Uber, LinkedIn, Netflix, Trello are trusted customers of Node.js. Hire nodejs developers to build apps for social media platforms, streaming players, online payment systems, real-time project collaboration and management tools, e-commerce platform, single-page applications with complex functionality, real-time applications, IoT applications, applications using micro-services architectures and likewise. Considering snarling COVID-19 Pandemic, stay safe, keep coding. Reach out to us for more!

The post How to Recruit Awesome Node.js Developers appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

5 Golden Rules to Working with a Remote Developer https://www.itfirms.co/5-golden-rules-working-remote-developer/ https://www.itfirms.co/5-golden-rules-working-remote-developer/?noamp=mobile#respond Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:43:41 +0000 http://www.itfirms.co/?p=398 As a website owner or an app owner, you must understand the benefits of outsourcing your development work by hiring developers or development companies. If you and your developer are working from the same office, that’s not a problem. However, if you are working with a development company working from Asia while you run your […]

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As a website owner or an app owner, you must understand the benefits of outsourcing your development work by hiring developers or development companies.

If you and your developer are working from the same office, that’s not a problem. However, if you are working with a development company working from Asia while you run your business in the US, it becomes quite a concern.

Will I be able to effectively coordinate with a remote development team?

Will I be able to convey my idea on phone, without any one-to-one meeting?

Will it not hamper the overall efficiency of working?

Several questions like these leave us in a confusion to whether outsourcing will be a wise decision or mess up the whole project? Let’s first find out the benefits of outsourcing overseas:

Low Cost: Why hire a developer for $150 per hour when we may be able to finish our project with a quarter of this cost or less from a remotely running company? That’s a lot of saving indeed.

For a local developer, you have to bear overhead expenses like electricity, infrastructure, resources and others, which can be avoided otherwise.

Better expertise: No wonder, a well-trained team dedicatedly working on web design and mobile app development have that competent advantage over any other local developer. Further, a full-time office setup guarantees more productivity than any freelancer. 

Short-term Commitment: What if the current mobile application or website you are working is in Java and your upcoming project demands a completely different expertise as in Magento?

This is the time remotely working companies provide solutions to all problems. You can’t just hire a developer skilled in Java for six months and then look for a new one who is adroit in Magento eCommerce.

With companies overseas, you are always in a short-term commitment that ends as the project is finally delivered, Nonetheless, if you want to continue with the same company, that’s a personal choice, you are not bothered with any investments you made.

Most times, it is beneficial to hire a full-time app development company rather than just a single app developer. Since a company’s experience and expertise as a whole is more reliable, and there is a team to perform the tasks, it is more reliable and profitable.

Considering those fears and doubts of working with a remote development firm, here are five golden rules to keep in mind that will help you derive profits and get a worthwhile end product.

A precise and clear requirement list

Most important, no development company can come out with flying colors if they do not understand your project requirements. To get off to a solid start, give a precise and clear explanation of your requirements and expectations of the app once it’s built. Be open to invite any innovative ideas from the development team and if you like it, don’t be reluctant in getting that implemented.

Communicate effectively

Effective communication is the key to success of project management. Distance doesn’t matter these days since you have excellent ways of communication like Skype call, video conference, emails and likewise. Make yourself available for timely briefings and also ask the development team to some up with regular updates. If you do that frequent calls with the concerned team, you never experience any communication gap; in fact, the development process is more sorted and smooth.

Make more informed decisions

An informed decision is only possible if you have that understanding and knowledge of the terms and technologies that the developers talk about. Don’t ever forget that at the end, it’s your project that will be a revenue-generator for your business; you can’t just leave it on the development team.

Gain that wit on related technologies and tools to be used that are best for your project while the team presents feature list and SRS and during any further discussions in the project. This will certainly help you make better decisions.

Chemistry creates a difference

From the very first call with the candidate, you can tell whether they are interested in your project or least bothered. To get things work in your favor, you must ensure that the development team and you are on the same page with respect to business acumen and communication. The answers you receive from them for your queries say a lot about their ability and skills.

Look in the history

This is the step before you choose your developers. Take a look in the past project delivered successfully. History says a lot about their work. How long the company has been in development business and what all clients have they served remotely will give you a quick help.

All in all, working remotely with a development company is no harm until you take care of the above. Also, for great results, expect to work like a partner, not just a service provider.

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Things to Consider When Hiring a App Developer https://www.itfirms.co/10-things-consider-hiring-mobile-app-developer/ https://www.itfirms.co/10-things-consider-hiring-mobile-app-developer/?noamp=mobile#respond Sat, 03 Sep 2016 12:28:47 +0000 http://www.itfirms.co/?p=365 According to the research report released by Transparency Market Research titled “Mobile Applications Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014 – 2020,” there are currently more than 102,062 Million apps downloaded globally. And this number is predicted to rise to 268, 962 Million by the end of 2017. Clearly, smartphone […]

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According to the research report released by Transparency Market Research titled “Mobile Applications Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014 – 2020,” there are currently more than 102,062 Million apps downloaded globally. And this number is predicted to rise to 268, 962 Million by the end of 2017.

Clearly, smartphone users are more inclined towards using mobile apps and getting things done from anywhere whenever they like/demand. Realizing this increased propensity towards mobile apps, business owners (small, medium or large) and established brands are constantly looking for ways to gain user’s attention to their business. Developing a business app has been the most preferred solution lately.

Almost every business has ideas. Honestly, ideas are easy. It’s the execution that really separates the sheep from goats. If you’d like to have a business app that generates revenue, you need to hire an experienced mobile app developer/development company to custom build your app as per your target audience and their needs.

Most companies, instead of in-house, outsource development to gain a better understanding of the development process and to achieve more productive and more engaging end results. Outsourcing relieves you from the overheads of hiring and provides quick access to talent that dedicatedly develop mobile apps for various industries.

Then again, choosing an appropriate mobile app developer for your business is what matters most. It’s the future of your business you are putting in someone’s hands, so it’ important to be double sure of the bearer. The completion is tough; there are tons of iOS and Android app development companies in the market, so you need to verify them in advance. Here are 10 essential things you must consider when hiring a mobile app developer:

1. Their app portfolio

Capable contenders will always be willing to show the work they have performed and the list of their successful projects. That way, you can evaluate the level of their project development and the quality they deliver to clients as per their varying requirements.

Do they have any groundbreaking projects listed in the portfolio? If yes, you are heading in the right direction, else be cautious.

2. The list of their past and current clients

Especially if you are a startup or medium-level enterprise, your level of trust increases when you see a list of reputed brands served by the respective developers. Checking their testimonials and client reviews illustrates their work in real-time.

Further, to gain more transparency on user experience, you can directly talk to the clients and their customers, thereby verifying that the work they showed has been a part of their own development.

3. Judge their smartphone knowledge

By asking few questions on smartphone technology they use, you can evaluate the level of knowledge and understanding a company has for the mobile platforms they build apps. You can judge their technical acumen for a specific mobile platform (iOS, Android, Windows).

If they declare to develop Android apps, they must be brilliant enough to know and understand the development cycle to publish it on Google Play, creating an all-encompassing digital presence of your business.

4. Look out for their market credentials

It is possible that a company may publish misleading stats and numbers on their official website, regarding the projects they have completed or the clients they have served in the past or the awards they have received.

Be sure of their market credentials, rewards and rankings. Visit the websites where they have been ranked and listed, in the news and other online magazines. Check authenticity of what the company claims to be in the global market.

5. Interact with the team to know their team structure

Since you are outsourcing, you want experts and specialists in every phase of development. From analyzing the app idea to designing the app screens (UI) to developing the functionality (UX), confirm that there are dedicated resources who will work on your project.

Interact with them on skype or video call and when time allows, you can visit their office personally. Ensure that the company isn’t fooling you around for the staff, infrastructure and resources via emails or phone calls.

6. Confirm on how to monetize your app

Will you be able to generate any monetary benefits from the business app the company has developed or will it just be a regular addition to the App Store? Since most businesses aim to monetize their app, it’s important to know if the developer understands your business goal and your purpose of developing it.

If you decide to keep it free-to-download in the start and then charge later like a freemium model, be sure that the developer knows how to integrate mobile ads, in-app purchases and paid services.

7. Communication during the whole project management

Communication between client and developers/Project managers plays an integral role during the whole project management. The quality of your end product relies on how clearly and precisely the app design, app functionality, app’s usability has been communicated to the working team.

Conduct frequent calls with the whole team and include all members in a monthly meeting. Also, ensure that the Project Manager (person accountable for the project) gives you project updates time and again. Evaluate their communication process within teams. Do they follow an agile method? Are they well versed with PM tools? If yes, you have chosen the right team.

8. Will you own the app?

Few companies, even after delivering the project, do not give the sole authority of the code to clients. Nonetheless, it’s the app owner, the client and the business group who should get all the rights once the app is developed. See if the company asks you to sign a ‘copyright’ contract, giving you all ownership rights of the app. If they do, they are trustworthy and reliable to proceed with.

9. Look over the payment terms and payment methods

Many times, confusions occur when it comes to payments. In the first place, while discussing the project functionality and feature list, you must have an upfront discussion about the payment methods and payment terms. How do they calculate app pricing? While few companies ask for a full one-time payment, few others require payment at regular intervals as and when a task is finished. Some of them will charge on hourly basis.Be aware of the extra costs that may incur during the development process.

To avoid last-minute arguments, understand their payment terms and proceed only if it fits into your budget.

10. How well can they integrate innovative app features

Today, users are more interested in apps that serve more than one purposes. For instance, a food ordering app can have a GPS check-in, a cab hiring feature, reviews and recommendations, coupons, 3-D gaming for fun and many others. Inquire or judge if the developers are capable of incorporating such innovative features in the app.

Here is a list of top 10 globally recognized app development companies, (you may consider for your next project) ranked according to their performance, expertise and experience.

The post Things to Consider When Hiring a App Developer appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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