How to get more customers for your website
Why is it that a business similar to yours gets customers on its website but that’s not the same case with you even when you have put equal or more efforts. What is it that makes the difference in building user base and converting them into your customers, going the online way. As a premium web development company, we have this responsibility to dig out the facts that underline most prominent factors of acquiring great user response and driving business through your website.
Here are some of the most significant reasons that cover it all and help you command large number of visits and convert users better to keep ticking like a pro in the virtual fold.
Solve problems
Don’t focus on praising yourself and giving a verdict about your work. This will only make you appear among the list of mediocre companies as you speak off-track and sound cliché. People are more interested in knowing what problems you can solve and how you can be a help to them. Hence, it makes more sense if you tell them upfront about the solutions you provide and orient them with your range of offerings and supporting content.
Talk about results, not features
It’s important that you understand the difference between the results and the features you offer to your users before you frame the communication of your website. Users are more concerned about the final outcome. They can get impressed by the features or the ways you resolve their problems or allow them solutions, but all their focus and their end-goal is to grab the results right. For example, if you are selling mineral water, they would care more about the purity (how it is filtered or packed) than the color of bottle (how it appears) it comes filled in.
Build your brand
Brand is the perceived value or identity of your product. If you are able to prominently and impactfully propose and pitch your idea to your users, you create value imprints of your services, that make you attach credibility and character to your offerings. This goes a long distance in attaching significance to your product value proposition and helps you build loyal user base claiming higher repute and appeal – allowing you to add more users to your website.
Know your customers
Customers are at the core of any business strategy and service offering. Before your event plan your web theme and communication layout, think who you are planning to serve and target as a user. Make yourself sure that you have identified your customers well. Keep them at the center of every aspect and factor of your website communique and you will be able to engage and serve them better, eventually commanding a better conversion rate.
Make people trust you
Include details about your business credentials and things that build trust, across different strategically placed sections, so as to deliver effective and convincing message about your authenticity. Here you can use client testimonials and business cases that outline how well you have worked in past. Show the best of your projects in the portfolio section and mention all the important details that you think can be helpful in delivering the message of trust to your users.
Allow them a reason to come back
If people find the same content on your pages all the time they are less likely to come back. You have to be as live and current as everything around. Keep updating your blogs with latest articles and knowledge resources. Change your banners to show up what you are up to next. Tie up with different festivals and celebrations and take your pick on latest technology trends to look active and aware with your work. Allow them to be a part of some campaign on your site. You can connect this all with social pages of your business. Doing all this will allow them a chance to check out and revisit your site from time to time.
Get conversion-friendly
Your users are just visitors to your website till the time you convert them into prospective buyers and then into customers. To make them your customers you need to make all attempts to get conversion-friendly. Now, how you can do this? When you are planning your website, make sure you design it with well-defined layout and properly placed content that target customers. Make your design elements and communication resources commit to your choice of theme and aesthetics. Place your call-to-actions and point-of-deliberations tactically and make them interactively rich. While you do this, remember to have the right text-to-image ratio and you will have high chances of conversion.
Make UX work for you
No matter how good UI you have, if you lack in providing the right communication interface to your users you can’t make them respond favorably. To make sure they are received and served well, you need to work on different aspects of User Experience. Here, you need to optimize your navigation scheme, reduce the latency to negligible points, make your content legible and expressive, and work on highly responsive design. Also, you need to make sure that all the functional traits, actionable events, feature resources and positioning references are duly validated are allied well with your web communication goal and you will be able to put up with best of user experience design.
Connect the words
As claimed by visual design experts, human brain is led by visuals and best responds to things and ideas represented through pictures, impressions and illustrations. So, when you are communicating something through words (which you have to do anyhow), try to keep those words connected in terms of style, presentation and feel. For example, if you are putting up a banner for ‘Discounted Offers’ to drive user to the offer page, then the same words should be placed at the corresponding receiving end. This would help users to connect with the expression of the pitch better as it would read the same text in same style saying ‘Discounted Offers’ as a pair of connected words.
Track the metrics right
You should be tracking it in the right direction. If you look for the number of visits you get on your website, it would lead to a vague number that includes just the visitors and you won’t be able to track sales. To track closest possible figure of customers on your website, set your filters to measure and depict qualified leads treated and validated with factors like recent trends and market tendencies. While doing this, be as close and direct in approach as you can. This will take you to the best results in calculating the figures right.
Final Words
All these factors are tried by top businesses and web experts. And if used in the right combination asserted with the right approach these can be highly beneficial for your web endeavor. All you need to do to get this right is making them functionally collaborate and purposefully relate with your web resources. And you would be able to commit to the best of practices and finest of methods and eventually get your web goals accomplished.