Node.js by In-depth Research of IT Firms Wed, 19 Oct 2022 12:01:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Celebrating React Node Communion in Web Development Wed, 19 Oct 2022 12:01:22 +0000 “The combination of React JS with Node JS can add luster to web application development! Check out the reasons, applicability, features and why it is so preferable!” What is Frontend? What is Backend? What is React Node js? What is React.JS? What is Node.JS? What are the benefits of combining React with Node.js for Web […]

The post Celebrating React Node Communion in Web Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

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“The combination of React JS with Node JS can add luster to web application development! Check out the reasons, applicability, features and why it is so preferable!”

Web development has turned 360 degrees with changes to the user interface, features, configuration, API integration and data structure. Let’s start by understanding frontend and backend of application development and then pick the scope of this excerpt.

What is Frontend?

Pertaining to the presentation layer of the OSI Model, the front end is the user interface of a mobile application or a website that is the front face of the business to the users. An efficient interface can make clients have the first impression with the menu, buttons, links, graphics, color, font, font style, padding, margins, borders, sliders, scroll bar, paragraphs, pages, page length, animations, moving images, videos, etc. Frontend Technologies – React, Angular, Vue.js, Ember, Backbone JS.

What is Backend?

Resonating with the data access layer of the OSI Model includes the functionality, database, and server of the app or website. It is also known as the server-side that enables developers to merge these components for backend development. Backend Technologies – Ruby on Rails, Express, Node.js, Django, Python.
Considering the scope of the current discussion, React and Node.js are two leading frontend and backend frameworks that proclaim to become the primary choice for many developers recently.

What is React Node js?

React Node is the primary value that is created when using React. A React Node is a lightweight, immutable, stateless, virtual representation of a DOM node. It is not a real DOM node but is close to text or element nodes. React defines a virtual DOM using React Nodes. It fuels React components that are eventually used to create a real DOM.

React Nodes are not real DOM nodes but are a representation of potential DOM Nodes that fuel React components. This combination can eventually be used to create a real DOM structure. React nodes can be created using JSX or JavaScript.

What is React.JS?

Being the open-source JavaScript framework, React.JS is the frontrunner in the job market. It is popularly deployed to make single-page applications and is equally preferable for startup and enterprise app development. It is also preferred for building highly scalable web applications. Some of the most famous applications with React.JS are Whatsapp, Instagram, Netflix, Facebook, Airbnb, etc.

It is for both beginners and experienced developers who have a basic knowledge of HTML, and JavaScript and can be used to build SEO-friendly web applications, Single Page Applications (SPAs), Cross-platform Applications, Large social media sites, Dynamic User Interface (UI), and robust libraries. This code can be reused across other platforms. More than one framework can be used to accomplish a feature. Virtual DOM accelerates web application performance.

What is Node.JS?

Node.js is an open-source server-side programming language, which is popularly used to craft the backend of a web application. Amongst a gamut of contenders for backend development, Node.js has emerged from amongst .Net, .Net Core, Pandas, Unity 3D, React Native, TensorFlow, Ansible, and Cordova. Web developers who know JavaScript find it easier to learn Node.js. Koa.js, express.js, Meteor.js, Total.js, and Sails.js are amongst my favorite JavaScript libraries.

Node.js significantly reduces development time and is helpful in building data-intensive apps, real-time apps, serverless, GraphQL, and IoT apps. It is increasingly being used in MEAN & MERN Stack.

Node.js is used to avoid buffering and has no additional functions to perform IO. Single-thread model can be combined with event-looping to make Apache HTTP Servers that manage a large number of requests.

Like React, Node.js can be used on both front (client side) and backends (serverside). Node.js accounts for scalable web applications that can be stretched both vertically and horizontally. Scalability can be in form of Cloning, decomposing, and splitting.

If you want multiple nodes for Node applications (Real-time web applications, Large and complex Single Page Applications, Server-side proxy), or you wish to run a Node process on every CPU core of your production machines and load balancing all the requests among them.

Node’s built-in cluster module provides an out-of-box solution to utilize full CPU power. It increases the availability of the Node processes (zero downtime) and provides an option to restart the whole application.

What are the benefits of combining React with Node.js for Web App Development?

We’re here with some of the best reasons to combine React with Node.js.

  • Node.js is scalable, but if you combine React with it, it extends the web app capability, which eventually improves website performance.
  • The built-in event-driven architecture of Node.js can be used to build real-time applications, but if both react and node js are combined, it speeds up the website.
  • React and Node’s codes can be reused. Such apps can be built with less time and with minimal effort.
  • Both Nodejs and React can be used to curate both the frontend and backend of an application, therefore single language can be used for coding both client-side and server-side.
  • The combination of Nodejs and Reactjs has the capability to balance high server requests and loads.

Can you use Nodejs with React?

Nodejs is preferable for hosting and running a web server for React applications. It is because:

(1) Node uses Node Package Manager (NPM) along with the NPM registry, facilitating easy package installation through the NPM CLI.
(2) Node and React work together in a single file, and can be compiled easily using webpack and several other Node modules.

Using Nodejs to host and execute the web server helps in many ways:

  • Nodejs operates on a V8 engine that handles multiple requests through callback functions to ensure quality and quantity.
  • Both frameworks work on the client and server sides.
  • Developers can execute the Reactjs code in the Nodejs environment.
  • React DOM has components that work with Nodejs. It reduces lines of code and makes server-side rendering comparatively.

But, changing the complete backend is not a feasible option. If you have Ruby on Rails (RoR) as the backend, Nodejs can still be used to run a web server to host your React application. Node.js is efficient enough to be used as Node web Server. Node’s assets can be used to build the RoR asset pipeline, leveraging CommonJS to ease the work.

Pinning It Down: Can you use React with Node.js?

If you seek to build a reusable UI and wish to top up the speed of JavaScript virtual DOM in React, with server rendering by Node.js, then a combination of React and Node can help you build larger applications and improves readability across different devices. Both these frameworks are used to create web applications with low latency and high functionality. Overall, Node.js development companies use fast, scalable app backend with RESTful APIs. React on another hand helps in creating interactive user interfaces for intuitive web applications.

Full Stack Developers are able to create reusable user interfaces with a combination of ReactJS and Node.js. Reactjs development companies work on open source javascript library that provides speed with JavaScript virtual DOM, easing simple programming and best performance. It can be used within a browser and rendered within a server by using Node.js. In all, its data and component patterns help to maintain larger applications with better readability. It is therefore useful for businesses that require speed like Discord Bots in Node.js, an open-source library and the efficiency of a simplified model.

The post Celebrating React Node Communion in Web Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Understanding Node.js for Backend Development Thu, 08 Jul 2021 14:09:19 +0000 Let’s first dive into how Node.js works? We’ll subsequently understand what it is, why is it prevalent? What are the applications? Are there any alternatives to it? Node.js can utilize APIs to handle HTTP requests, file systems, and server-side features. It does not limit its capability to the front-end operation mode. It applies JavaScript for […]

The post Understanding Node.js for Backend Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.


Let’s first dive into how Node.js works? We’ll subsequently understand what it is, why is it prevalent? What are the applications? Are there any alternatives to it?

Node.js can utilize APIs to handle HTTP requests, file systems, and server-side features. It does not limit its capability to the front-end operation mode. It applies JavaScript for creating an internal code-base to develop the front-end.

What is Node.js?

It is an open-source runtime environment for creating the back end of web applications. It uses WebSockets/ to create basic interactive customer service or live chat applications. It installs the library on the webserver and the client and creates event emitters and broadcasters that push messages across the ‘WebSockets open connection. It accomplishes this basic functionality in just a few lines of code.

Additionally, Node.js assists in developing single-page applications by loading all client-side scripts into a single HTML page that works as the main entry point into the entire application. All partial views load into this central template on-demand. The AJAX requests in the background ensure that the application updates without reloading the webpage.

Node.js handles asynchronous calls and heavy I/O workloads efficiently.

You may use frameworks like Express (or any other JavaScript framework for the web) available via the NPM repository to turn Node.JS into a REST API streaming data and services from specific routes.

This process reduces the server’s load and ensures API sharing across different applications and environments. Node.js returns the index page (index.HTML), sending data via REST interfaces and controllers on the server-side.This approach also ensures a clear separation of concerns (SoC) between models, controllers, and views with all the data relating to the services implemented on the server-side.

Node.js comes with asynchronous and event-based architecture to offer a wide variety of software solutions for co-browsing, video, and audio conferencing, project management, application sharing, and collaborative editing of documents via Real-Time Collaboration Tools.

Node’s WebSockets and Event API ensure heavy I/O operations preventing the server from getting hung up and share all the data with the clients in time.

Push Notifications is a primary feature of Node.js. It instantly updates the collaboration environment for a single and coherent representation of the application.

Where is it useful?

  • It does not obstruct I/O and serves multiple simultaneous requests.
  • It makes it easy to scale the technology and handle high-load platforms.
  • It is flexible to meet user demand.
  • It has a responsive runtime environment that provides easier access to information and services.
  • Node.js promotes an organized front-end and back-end environment.
  • Node.js projects are lightweight, which do not require big-size or multiple teams. It thereby saves costs and time.
  • Node has JavaScript at its core, making it convenient and super-easy to understand, accelerating the app creation process.
  • It does not require expensive licensing.
  • It is pretty easy to troubleshoot.

When should you use Node.js?

If you want your app to run in real-time and process multiple client requests, you may consider Node.js. It supports WebSockets via libraries as, ws or WebSocket-node that help deploy efficient real-time chats and applications.

It brings in a baffling user experience and prompts response time. But it is not suitable for applications that require high security – live chats and instant messaging apps, video games, collaborative platforms, online games, and social media.

Which Node.js applications are prevalent?

Node.js is a cross-platform app development framework that has been used by – (1) Paypal, (2) NASA, (3) Uber, (4) eBay, (5) Facebook, (6) Amazon, (7) Netflix (SPA), (8) LinkedIn (SPA), (9) Medium (SPA), (10) Slack (Real-Time Collaboration Tools), (11) Trello (Real-Time Collaboration Tools ), (12) Google Docs (Real-Time Collaboration Tools), (13) Streaming Applications etc. and in building real-time chat applications, real-time collaboration tools, Micro-services Architecture, Internet of Things devices like sensors, beacons, actuators, embedded electronics that enable sending and receiving data, complex single-page applications.

What can you use instead of Node.js?

Node.js performs better than similar high-end programming platforms like Ruby on Rails; it efficiently handles multiple requests and responds to each one of these swiftly. For this reason, it is a deal for client-focused web applications.

In Conclusion

Node.js works on a single thread. It is suitable for conventional web apps and Back end API services that run in real-time. It enables you to deploy code to both the client and server sides, bridging the gap between front-end and Back end development. Node Package Manager helps to access many tools and modules to use to your advantage. Node.js code executes quite quickly in comparison to many other programming languages. For this reason, it is preferable to develop micro-services for developing enterprise applications.

Node.js development companies owe for a single-threaded solution and might become unresponsive in case of large files. Conventional multi-threaded solutions perform better in the case of big projects. We hope this excerpt brings some clarity and facilitates Node.js App Development for your Node.js developers.

The post Understanding Node.js for Backend Development appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

How to Recruit Awesome Node.js Developers Thu, 02 Apr 2020 10:38:35 +0000 We are quoting some handy take-aways’ about hiring best Node.js developers here. Read and get benefitted by outsourcing Node.js Development teams right away! Table of Contents The Goal Behind Development of Node.js Facts to Know About Node.JS Following Up With Node.JS Architecture Growing A Proper Node.JS Development Team How to find a Node.js programmer Finding […]

The post How to Recruit Awesome Node.js Developers appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.


We are quoting some handy take-aways’ about hiring best Node.js developers here. Read and get benefitted by outsourcing Node.js Development teams right away!

Node.js is an open-source, lightweight, server-side runtime environment used to build a fast and scalable web server in just a few minutes.

The Goal Behind Development of Node.js

There was a need to build a system to create websites with push capability in real-time. The event-driven paradigm was the epicentre of the Node. This helped developers to create 2-way connection websites (client and server) with free data exchange.

Facts to Know About Node.JS

  • Asynchronous: Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine.
  • What does this imply: Many connections get handled concurrently. The callback is fired upon every connection. Node.js goes to sleep in an idle state.

  • Scalability: Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications.
  • What does this imply: Node.js works on a single-threaded event loop model, in contrast to today’s more common concurrency model. Thread-based networking is very difficult to use and relatively inefficient. Node.js are free from worries of dead-locking the process since there are no locks. Almost no function in Node.js directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks. Because of nothing blocks, It is very reasonable to construct scalable systems in Node.js.

  • Event loop: js does not agree with the start-the-event-loop-call.
  • What does this imply: It rather presents an event loop as a runtime construct instead of as a library. So it’s behaviour is irrespective of the numerous callbacks, either at the beginning of a script or at the end of a server.

  • Suitability as a Web Development Framework: Node as a web server using HTTP
  • What does this imply: HTTP Modules are an integral part of the Node.JS Framework to be used in developing web servers. The resultant application can be made to listen on a particular port and send a response to the client whenever a request is made to the application. This ‘request’ module can be used to fetch information from the web sites.

    Following Up With Node.JS Architecture

    Node.js architecture is based on Single-Threaded with Event Loop Model with JavaScript Callback Mechanism which makes Node.js easy to handle and amazing to code with:

    • It is relatively easy to handle multiple, concurrent client requests with Node.js.
    • The presence of an event loop reduces the need to create threads.
    • The presence of less thread utilizes less memory.

    Growing A Proper Node.JS Development Team

    • Keeping a tab on Node.js development market
    • Looking for fresh and experienced Node.js developers or those currently into PHP, Java, .Net and are ready to transition into Node.js
    • The required Skillset for Best Node.js Developer:
    • Adept with JavaScript/Typescript
    • Knowledge of Functional Programming
    • Knowledge of High-level programming architecture patterns like MVC, MVVP, MVVM etc.
    • Must be experienced in working on any backend solution and frameworks like Express.js, Nest.js, Koa, Hapi etc.
    • Must have a working knowledge of common development tools like GIT, ESLInt, Prettier
    • Must have practical knowledge of SQL(MySQL and PostgreSQL) or NoSQL (MongoDB) databases.
    • Must know Docker and Docker Compose, CI/CD

    How to find a Node.js programmer

    Now as we are aware of the required skillsets of the prospects – it can be divided into four sections:

    • Inbound: looking for the candidates within internal departments, those that can be migrated to work on other technologies.
    • Outbound: looking for the candidates in an external environment via a direct search.
    • Tools: what tools, apps and websites can help speed up the recruitment process.
    • Outsourcing: reaching out to a software company that has the kind of Node.js developers that we need.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Inbound

    Some of the most popular and efficient inbound methods of finding Node.js developers include The career page of the organization’s website, the social media, posting the job requirement on job portals, providing internships to eligible candidates, organizing free webinars to position your business, looking at the referrals and outdoor advertising in print media or university/organization’s anniversary events etc.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Outbound

    Supplement your inbound search with some strategy and speed by implementing outbound methods of searching a Node.js developer. Out of the various search methods: Direct search, third-party conferences and events and self-organized events where there is the freedom to interact with participants.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Tools

    To support inbound and outbound marketing and recruitment efforts, tools come handy: Recruitment management tools like applicant tracking systems (ATSes), Recruitee, Traffit, SmartRecruiters and many other jobs portals can be used by the recruiters to float their applications. Besides, many sourcing tools like LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, AmazingHiring, Intelligent Search and screening platforms like Codility, Devskiller, Interview Mocha. Moreover, B2B review services like Goodfirms, Clutch, G2, ITfirms, Appfutura allow businesses to review software companies.

    Finding a Node.js programmer – Outsourcing

    Outsourcing becomes the best option when a business needs to customize their product, need to adapt to changing market conditions, need to secure new financing, need a faster time to market.


    Consequent to the huge demand and effectiveness of JavaScript in keeping up with client-side code there was a need to have a server-side programming capability among developers for some time. Node.js filled this gap by being event-driven and callback driven. Top node.js development companies can adopt software development outsourcing as Node.js is comparable to PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Golang – Node.js is being used by Fortune 500 Companies and rates highest on scales of Performance, security, coding efficiency and open-source framework. Big banners like NASA, IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Walmart, Uber, LinkedIn, Netflix, Trello are trusted customers of Node.js. Hire nodejs developers to build apps for social media platforms, streaming players, online payment systems, real-time project collaboration and management tools, e-commerce platform, single-page applications with complex functionality, real-time applications, IoT applications, applications using micro-services architectures and likewise. Considering snarling COVID-19 Pandemic, stay safe, keep coding. Reach out to us for more!

The post How to Recruit Awesome Node.js Developers appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.
