Web Development by In-depth Research of IT Firms Wed, 19 Oct 2022 12:01:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 Celebrating React Node Communion in Web Development https://www.itfirms.co/celebrating-react-node-communion-in-web-development/ Wed, 19 Oct 2022 12:01:22 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=13077 “The combination of React JS with Node JS can add luster to web application development! Check out the reasons, applicability, features and why it is so preferable!” What is Frontend? What is Backend? What is React Node js? What is React.JS? What is Node.JS? What are the benefits of combining React with Node.js for Web […]

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“The combination of React JS with Node JS can add luster to web application development! Check out the reasons, applicability, features and why it is so preferable!”

Web development has turned 360 degrees with changes to the user interface, features, configuration, API integration and data structure. Let’s start by understanding frontend and backend of application development and then pick the scope of this excerpt.

What is Frontend?

Pertaining to the presentation layer of the OSI Model, the front end is the user interface of a mobile application or a website that is the front face of the business to the users. An efficient interface can make clients have the first impression with the menu, buttons, links, graphics, color, font, font style, padding, margins, borders, sliders, scroll bar, paragraphs, pages, page length, animations, moving images, videos, etc. Frontend Technologies – React, Angular, Vue.js, Ember, Backbone JS.

What is Backend?

Resonating with the data access layer of the OSI Model includes the functionality, database, and server of the app or website. It is also known as the server-side that enables developers to merge these components for backend development. Backend Technologies – Ruby on Rails, Express, Node.js, Django, Python.
Considering the scope of the current discussion, React and Node.js are two leading frontend and backend frameworks that proclaim to become the primary choice for many developers recently.

What is React Node js?

React Node is the primary value that is created when using React. A React Node is a lightweight, immutable, stateless, virtual representation of a DOM node. It is not a real DOM node but is close to text or element nodes. React defines a virtual DOM using React Nodes. It fuels React components that are eventually used to create a real DOM.

React Nodes are not real DOM nodes but are a representation of potential DOM Nodes that fuel React components. This combination can eventually be used to create a real DOM structure. React nodes can be created using JSX or JavaScript.

What is React.JS?

Being the open-source JavaScript framework, React.JS is the frontrunner in the job market. It is popularly deployed to make single-page applications and is equally preferable for startup and enterprise app development. It is also preferred for building highly scalable web applications. Some of the most famous applications with React.JS are Whatsapp, Instagram, Netflix, Facebook, Airbnb, etc.

It is for both beginners and experienced developers who have a basic knowledge of HTML, and JavaScript and can be used to build SEO-friendly web applications, Single Page Applications (SPAs), Cross-platform Applications, Large social media sites, Dynamic User Interface (UI), and robust libraries. This code can be reused across other platforms. More than one framework can be used to accomplish a feature. Virtual DOM accelerates web application performance.

What is Node.JS?

Node.js is an open-source server-side programming language, which is popularly used to craft the backend of a web application. Amongst a gamut of contenders for backend development, Node.js has emerged from amongst .Net, .Net Core, Pandas, Unity 3D, React Native, TensorFlow, Ansible, and Cordova. Web developers who know JavaScript find it easier to learn Node.js. Koa.js, express.js, Meteor.js, Total.js, and Sails.js are amongst my favorite JavaScript libraries.

Node.js significantly reduces development time and is helpful in building data-intensive apps, real-time apps, serverless, GraphQL, and IoT apps. It is increasingly being used in MEAN & MERN Stack.

Node.js is used to avoid buffering and has no additional functions to perform IO. Single-thread model can be combined with event-looping to make Apache HTTP Servers that manage a large number of requests.

Like React, Node.js can be used on both front (client side) and backends (serverside). Node.js accounts for scalable web applications that can be stretched both vertically and horizontally. Scalability can be in form of Cloning, decomposing, and splitting.

If you want multiple nodes for Node applications (Real-time web applications, Large and complex Single Page Applications, Server-side proxy), or you wish to run a Node process on every CPU core of your production machines and load balancing all the requests among them.

Node’s built-in cluster module provides an out-of-box solution to utilize full CPU power. It increases the availability of the Node processes (zero downtime) and provides an option to restart the whole application.

What are the benefits of combining React with Node.js for Web App Development?

We’re here with some of the best reasons to combine React with Node.js.

  • Node.js is scalable, but if you combine React with it, it extends the web app capability, which eventually improves website performance.
  • The built-in event-driven architecture of Node.js can be used to build real-time applications, but if both react and node js are combined, it speeds up the website.
  • React and Node’s codes can be reused. Such apps can be built with less time and with minimal effort.
  • Both Nodejs and React can be used to curate both the frontend and backend of an application, therefore single language can be used for coding both client-side and server-side.
  • The combination of Nodejs and Reactjs has the capability to balance high server requests and loads.

Can you use Nodejs with React?

Nodejs is preferable for hosting and running a web server for React applications. It is because:

(1) Node uses Node Package Manager (NPM) along with the NPM registry, facilitating easy package installation through the NPM CLI.
(2) Node and React work together in a single file, and can be compiled easily using webpack and several other Node modules.

Using Nodejs to host and execute the web server helps in many ways:

  • Nodejs operates on a V8 engine that handles multiple requests through callback functions to ensure quality and quantity.
  • Both frameworks work on the client and server sides.
  • Developers can execute the Reactjs code in the Nodejs environment.
  • React DOM has components that work with Nodejs. It reduces lines of code and makes server-side rendering comparatively.

But, changing the complete backend is not a feasible option. If you have Ruby on Rails (RoR) as the backend, Nodejs can still be used to run a web server to host your React application. Node.js is efficient enough to be used as Node web Server. Node’s assets can be used to build the RoR asset pipeline, leveraging CommonJS to ease the work.

Pinning It Down: Can you use React with Node.js?

If you seek to build a reusable UI and wish to top up the speed of JavaScript virtual DOM in React, with server rendering by Node.js, then a combination of React and Node can help you build larger applications and improves readability across different devices. Both these frameworks are used to create web applications with low latency and high functionality. Overall, Node.js development companies use fast, scalable app backend with RESTful APIs. React on another hand helps in creating interactive user interfaces for intuitive web applications.

Full Stack Developers are able to create reusable user interfaces with a combination of ReactJS and Node.js. Reactjs development companies work on open source javascript library that provides speed with JavaScript virtual DOM, easing simple programming and best performance. It can be used within a browser and rendered within a server by using Node.js. In all, its data and component patterns help to maintain larger applications with better readability. It is therefore useful for businesses that require speed like Discord Bots in Node.js, an open-source library and the efficiency of a simplified model.

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Top JavaScript Frameworks to Consider for Next Web Development Project https://www.itfirms.co/top-javascript-frameworks-to-consider-for-next-web-development-project/ https://www.itfirms.co/top-javascript-frameworks-to-consider-for-next-web-development-project/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 09 Apr 2019 10:02:48 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=3580 Although a vast number of JavaScript Frameworks scattered across the web repositories look more like a brady-bunch episode, a percent point turns out to be a panacea to a web issue! Whose news is it, anyway? A JavaScript framework is a model for creating an application. These vary according to the scope and requirement of […]

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Although a vast number of JavaScript Frameworks scattered across the web repositories look more like a brady-bunch episode, a percent point turns out to be a panacea to a web issue!

Whose news is it, anyway? A JavaScript framework is a model for creating an application. These vary according to the scope and requirement of the application to be developed. JavaScript library has a set of pre-written JavaScript functions that can be called from its parent code. JS framework differs from a JS library in its control flow; these include the entire design of the application. JS frameworks are made up by bunching together various JS libraries that provide developers with pre-written JS code to use for routine programming features and tasks – a model to build websites or web applications. Almost every JavaScript framework works more or less in the same way. But here are a chosen few which have been massively appreciated.

When should a particular JS framework be used?

Amongst a list of frameworks available, what is the deciding factor that helps users (developers) to select a particular framework? Some make use of mainstream frameworks like Angular, React and Ember etc, while others look into a framework search engine – microjs, to get to know what they need for the particular application.

Listing Out Top 5 JavaScript Development Frameworks

Angular 4

Angular 4AngularJS initially released 8 years ago in 2010 by Google is one of the premier JS framework for web development. Available as an open-source front-end web framework on github.com/angular/angularjs, it is suitable for developing single-page applications. It complements Apache Cordova and is thus suitable for developing cross-platform apps. It eases tasks of both developers and testers by providing a framework for both client-side MVC and MVVM along with components commonly used in a rich internet application. Two-way data binding, DOM manipulation, Improved server performance, Faster application prototyping, Responsive web, Highly testable products, The MVVM architecture, Use of directives, plain HTML templates, and fast development are some of the major advantages that come with AngularJS.


ReactJSReactJS initially released 5 years ago by Jordan Walke is another premier JS framework for web development. Maintained by Facebook and the community of individual developers, it is suitable for creating single-page web or mobile applications. It often requires the help of additional libraries for routing, state management and interaction with an API. Available on github.com/facebook/react, it is an open-source framework that enables Android, iOS and UWP development and builds improved user-interfaces.


Meteor.jsMeteor or MeteorJS initially released 7 years ago (as of Feb 2019) is a free, open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework that is primarily written using Node.JS. It is basically used to write applications for cross-platform apps, more commonly in production websites.


EmberJSEmber.JS initially released 7 years ago (as of February 2019), is an open-source JavaScript web framework that is based on Model-view-view-model (MVVM) pattern. Originated by Yehuda Katz, it is available on github.com/ember.js/ember.js – it is suitable for creating scalable single page web applications. Many major sites like LinkedIn, Discourse, Groupon, Twitch.TV etc have been created in Ember.JS. Apple Music is the most common desktop application.


Vue.JSVue.JS, initially released 5 years ago (as of February 2019), is an open-source JavaScript framework that is used to build single-page applications, especially user-interfaces, by featuring incrementally adoptable architecture that focuses on declaration rendering and component composition. Its small size is its greatest asset. Besides this, ease of integration, scalability, and versatility, readability for the perfectionists and ease of learnability are other benefits that come along with Vue.JS and are Top web application development companies looks for in a JavaScript development framework.

Folding the discussion

JavaScript frameworks have a certain aura of web development around them. Each one has originated with nearly the same basics. A developer always looks for a straightforward and shortest route to reach a solution to a programming problem. And if a framework allows them to work faster, without the need to write code from scratch, it becomes a programming practice and preferable way to code. Besides the frameworks listed above Mithril.js, Polymar.JS, Aurelia and Backbone.js are some other upcoming frameworks to watch out for while developing web applications.

Making use of JS frameworks reduces line of code and thus increases efficiency and these helps utilize the basics of a programming language as it is without much modification.

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Whipping Up a Stacked Deck of Top 10 PHP Frameworks for Web Development https://www.itfirms.co/whipping-up-a-stacked-deck-of-top-ten-php-frameworks-for-web-development/ https://www.itfirms.co/whipping-up-a-stacked-deck-of-top-ten-php-frameworks-for-web-development/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 26 Mar 2019 14:10:00 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=3430 Top Website Development Companies scramble for ways to fight fresh coding challenge with the advent of PHP frameworks ’19! Sometimes hard development options (read: Core PHP) is a risk worth taking. Development teams have to make the finer choice to ease out their development tasks by replaceable twins. Prevalent options in PHP frameworks are the […]

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Top Website Development Companies scramble for ways to fight fresh coding challenge with the advent of PHP frameworks ’19!

Sometimes hard development options (read: Core PHP) is a risk worth taking. Development teams have to make the finer choice to ease out their development tasks by replaceable twins. Prevalent options in PHP frameworks are the first thing that has made a difference to PHP programming. The transformation of the journey is although unusual but swift. It is the reason why top PHP developers are keenly connected with best programming practices in PHP.

Because of the huge popularity of PHP, it has almost become impossible for web developers to ignore PHP. Working knowledge of PHP always helps, even if it is used along with frameworks. Here is a list of top PHP frameworks that are lined up in 2019 – will help speed up proficiency, make code responsive, cleaner and more optimized for performance.

A quick look at some tips that every PHP developer must practice during their coding:

  • Making use of SQL injection cheat-sheet
  • Knowing when and how to use comparison operators
  • Initialize variables before using them; else should not be skipped
  • Drop the brackets
  • str_replace() must be favored instead of ereg_replace() and preg_replace()
  • Ternary operators must be used
  • Local memory must be utilized, in order to process the applications quickly
  • Making use of the framework, as all decision have consequence
  • Making correct use of suppression operator
  • Making use of isset() instead of strlen()

Here is a list of 10 top PHP Frameworks (in no particular order) that are going to rule PHP Development in 2019:

1. Slim

Slimor Slean as it is called is a powerful PHP framework that helps write powerful PHP applications and API’s. It comes with a powerful HTTP router, a concentric middleware to tweak the HTTP request, PSR-7 HTTP and support for dependency injection. It is a micro framework that eases quick development, is lightweight and can be used for making both small and large websites.

2. PHPixie

PHPixie is a modern, fast and secure PHP framework that is easy to learn and does not rely on automagic. It is flexible enough and easy for both experienced as well as naïve PHP programmers. It comes with a bundle system, MongoDB support, hardened security, linear code flow, is designed from scratch according to some solid principles and industry standards. With approximately 800 daily downloads and 517 stars on Github, it ranks 6th according to Sitepoint’s 2015 popularity poll.

3. FuelPHP

It is an open source MVC framework that implements an HMVC pattern for web application development. It comes with ViewModels that adds a layer between the controller and the View. Based on PHP 5.4+ framework, FuelPHP is fast and simple.

4. Phalcon

Based on MVC, Phalcon is a PHP web framework that is easy to install, is highly extensible – it is a full stack PHP framework that is delivered as a C-extension. Low overhead, dependency injection, REST, Autoloader, router are some other features that come aligned with Phalcon.

5. Zend Framework

Zend Framework (particularly version 3) runs up to 4x faster than version 2 release. It makes code re-usability easier. It makes efficient use of object-oriented principles, libraries, models, and documentation. Based on open-system architecture (Middleware or MVC) and follows PHP-FIG standards. It stores passwords using bcrypt, encrypt with AES-256 and more. It suits well for business critical and high usage applications. It is enterprise ready for PHP7.

6. Yii

Yii is fast, secure, and efficient, MVC framework that is simple to implement Security, Short Development Time, Swift Error Handling, log-in and making use of theme, is highly extensible and very easy to install.

7. CakePHP

CakePHP is modeled after Ruby on Rails, follows the model-view-controller approach and is an open-source framework. It is 100% backward compatible and upgradable. CakePHP applications require less code. These are simple, fast and effective. These applications do not require any complex XML configuration. There are built in Translations, database access, caching, validation, authentication, built-in tools for input validation, CSRF protection, SQL injection prevention, Form tampering protection, and XSS prevention. There are scaffolding features to rapidly prototype. Its codebase has been audited through Mozilla Secure Open Source program.

8. Symfony

It is a set of reusable components/libraries in PHP. It is reliable, flexible, testable, and supports long term applications – the latest stable release is 4.2. Although it is not a very trendy framework it is most suitable for large, enterprise applications. It was built to replace coding iterations and is available as freeware. It is optimizable and scalable.

9. Codeigniter

It is most suited for web applications with advanced features. It welcomes webpages with minimal scripting. It can easily be adopted with naïve programmers who do not have much knowledge of object-oriented programming. It is very small in size as compared to Laravel and Symphony. It offers controllers and libraries for logic, views for HTML, models for data. Besides this, it is based on MVC architecture. There are no server requirements, is easily expandable, has built-in libraries and security tools. It has a large community of active users.

10. Laravel

It is one of the most favored PHP frameworks, that supports object-oriented programming, MVC architecture, auto-loading facility, authentication, and version control. PHP developers can impose constraints when using multiple database objects by making use of advanced query builder mechanism with Laravel.


Selecting a PHP framework for developing web application can be tiresome in case of improper planning. Top PHP Developers keep thinking about ways to build applications in the least possible time. Having a framework that facilitates in-built tools and libraries, has community support, is scalable, easy to learn, and has support for advanced features and well-designed toolkit – is preferred over its counterparts. The final choice lies in the hands of developers who have to select the framework according to their requirements.

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Benefits of Outsourcing To a Web Development Company in India https://www.itfirms.co/benefits-of-outsourcing-to-a-web-development-company-in-india/ https://www.itfirms.co/benefits-of-outsourcing-to-a-web-development-company-in-india/?noamp=mobile#respond Thu, 29 Mar 2018 10:30:44 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=2053 India is recognized as a pool of highly qualified and trained web development professionals. It has been witnessing a perpetual huge demand from clients worldwide. Its highly efficient workforce has always lured a lot of international businesses to get their software and web development projects done at a relatively lower prices. Providing world class services […]

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India is recognized as a pool of highly qualified and trained web development professionals. It has been witnessing a perpetual huge demand from clients worldwide. Its highly efficient workforce has always lured a lot of international businesses to get their software and web development projects done at a relatively lower prices. Providing world class services at a lower price is its speciality. It’s been catering all sorts of IT and Web Development services to numerous global clients both as an individual or an organizational unit. Indian web development companies have gained the upper hand whenever it’s a question of getting hired. It has always prided on its appearance in the international outsourcing communities.

Here a question arises-Why India? What are the special benefits of outsourcing to Indian web development companies that others don’t offer? There are multiple benefits that a web development company in India can offer you. I will try to explain some of them here:

1. Highly Efficient Workforce of Web Designers: India is recognized across the globe for its highly trained and skilled workforce. India has more ISO-9000 web development companies compared to other nations. By outsourcing web development services from India, clients achieve a high-level quality of products and services. Their services are unique and flawless which enable clients to attract more and more businesses. It helps the clients achieve every goal of their business success.

2. Low Operational Costs or Cheaper Resources: According to the majority of freelance survey companies that facilitate distant workforce, Indian professionals, in general, are paid roughly one-third of their foreign peers. Low operational costs in India like low taxes, lease rent, utility rate, etc allow companies to render low-cost services to their clients without compromising on the quality of services. That’s why Indians are able to survive even the tough competition given by their foreign competitors. As a result, clients get much happier on the part of expenses as well.

3. Hard Work and Commitment to Deliver on Time: Web Designing professionals in India are highly motivated, hardworking and committed. Here, people have a strong passion for working long hours. They leave no stones unturned when it comes to delivering on time. This gives some extra advantages to clients to get their work done without wasting their time.

4. Web Designers in India are Good Communicators (Higher Level of English Language proficiency): Indian professionals have some additional benefits in terms of communicating with clients as well. They are much more proficient in the English language-whether it’s writing or speaking. This also helps clients to avoid hassles that may arise from miscommunications.

5. Business-friendly Government Rules: India is still a growing economy. To attract businesses from outside, the Indian government has taken several steps to create a favourable business environment here. The government has invested a huge amount in developing the infrastructure. It has also amended several laws that have become more business-friendly. Tax rules are also more flexible. All this has made Indians capable of competing to attract more projects.

6. Time Zone: Being in a different time zone is also a boon. Indians live in a different time zone from Americans, Europeans or many other vendors. Indians can serve their global clients even during early morning or late evening without hassles. A client living in the USA can hand over their assignment to an Indian vendor and go to bed leaving all worries. When they wake up, they can see their assignment is finished up by the team offshore. It allows them to utilize every single minute of time, and with the peace of mind.

Putting everything together, global clients prefer Indians over others to outsource their web designing or web development services.

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The Changing Horizon of Web Development https://www.itfirms.co/the-changing-horizon-of-web-development/ https://www.itfirms.co/the-changing-horizon-of-web-development/?noamp=mobile#respond Thu, 02 Nov 2017 09:53:06 +0000 https://www.itfirms.co/?p=1436 Just like any other industry, web development is undergoing a phenomenal evolution. While most of us are only focusing on mobile app development, we really can’t shut our eyes to web development. Of course, after the fruition of mobile app market, the traditional web has suffered a decline in the number of everyday users and […]

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Just like any other industry, web development is undergoing a phenomenal evolution. While most of us are only focusing on mobile app development, we really can’t shut our eyes to web development.

Of course, after the fruition of mobile app market, the traditional web has suffered a decline in the number of everyday users and market share. What’s important to note here is that only the ‘traditional web’ has witnessed a fall-off as websites and web apps have seen a transition to a much-modern landscape but not the web industry as a whole.

The technology has gone far beyond the typical eCommerce websites to the more-advanced AI-powered personalized shopping stores by online businesses. It is a paradigm shift in the way websites run on your desktops/laptops/mobile browsers. And these latest developments in the web industry are a result of changing desires and usage patterns of the users/customers. The once-static websites are now run by a bot to give customers a personalized, live support every time they are on the portal- B2B or B2C.

The IoT Will Change the Web Development Process

Five years down the line, most smartphone users and businesses will be seen mastering the concept of Internet of Things. This superb combination of wireless and sensor technology will positively change the future of web development. It will completely personalize the buying experience of customers from the online marketplaces. Websites, with complex coding, will be able to communicate with the back-end databases that store the personalized data of customers using IoT devices, in each home.

Though Internet of Things is not very new, its implementation is yet not known to many businesses, enterprises and users.  Thus, top web developers and web application development companies will be required to give in added expertise and efforts to integrate the business websites with the upcoming IoT devices. A lot of web developers still do not recognize the IoT devices that display web content. They have to learn how to use small screens of these devices to display web pages and local dashboard style web displays.

JavaScript Frameworks are Taking the Toll

One major transformation brought by the mobile app development is the change in user’s behavior and their desires. They expect a more personalized and to-the-point user experience while they are interacting with the web on desktop or mobile. As a result, there has been a shift towards client-side development, using the main source as JavaScript. For a more responsive web application, top web developers are using more JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, React JS, NodeJS that can replace the traditional development methods.

The Shift Towards Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

The world of retail is seeing a massive shift towards Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). PWAs are the next-gen apps that are fast and robust and are using the modern web capabilities to deliver a much like native app experience. Just like native apps, these progressive web apps can be seen on your mobile’s home screen and can be accessed directly from the mobile’s web browser like when you open a website. The best is that these PWAs are not required to be downloaded unlike mobile apps.

For online businesses, PWAs can take a vital role in marketing by sending personalized push notifications to re-engage customers. Further, the business owner does not need to pay separately for creating different apps for different mobile platforms. As a result, it reduces the overall development effort of the web developers, which further cuts down the development cost and time driving a much early deploy.

Visual Web Development

With the change in web development, web designing is progressing constantly to provide more dynamic, more engaging websites. Artificial intelligence is driving the web design. The gap between web designers and web developers has been bridged by visual development. Using the true drag-and-drop system, new building blocks are introduced that build the code in the background. CMS and visual tools actually do the work for creating landing pages and functionality. In the next 10 years, the majority of web and software applications will be built without any hard-core coding but entirely visually.

For years, businesses have forked out large amounts of cash on building websites the traditional way through coding and traditional platforms. The user experience is carrying over to web application, causing the top web development companies to transform their methods and technologies to the latest and more communicating UI/UX design.

If you would like to see what top web developers are bringing to this changing landscape, check out our list of top web development companies from around the world.

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