Why Microservices are Important for Modern-Day Enterprises
Do you have any clue of what microservices are? Do not worry if you don’t because we’ll uncover the same and its importance to enterprises in this 5-minute read.
Did you know how Amazon, a leading consumer goods marketplace, excelled to reach the pinnacle of success or how did WhatsApp change the course of people interaction and communication? What made them scale to such heights? What procedures did they follow?
We would say that the extra attention that they paid towards microservices is what made the ‘real difference’. So, what do microservices mean?
Simply put, the term ‘microservices’ refer to the style of software architecture where the complex app is broken down into small and independent services. Each service has a different goal to achieve. Each service is worked upon by a different set of developers. However, this doesn’t mean that two services are different from each other. Each service is built separately, but they communicate with each other so that the main objective is achieved eventually.
Enterprises, in the past, have used microservices architecture to produce wondrous products like Netflix, eBay, Amazon, Twitter and PayPal. They all are behemoths of technical space and epitomes of what this paradigm can do to your business and enterprise.
Putting in place an effective microservices architecture is the real challenge for enterprise leaders today. There has to be a flawless system for communication and coordination within different teams of the organization so that the procedures can be streamlined, desired objectives can be met without quarrels and teams get prepared to counter the failure.
By implementing ‘microservices’ architecture, you will be able to enhance the work productivity of your employees, make them responsible for important tasks, help them manage their work better and deliver more efficiently than ever. Plus, you can allow team members to work on their specialized techniques rather than asking them to learn and get adept in unknown technologies and tools.
Reasons to invest in microservices architecture
A game-changing enterprise app is not built overnight. It requires several days, weeks or even months to develop a fully functional and glitch-free application. This demands technical proficiency, strategy and vision of how you plan to achieve it. Microservices architecture makes it simple by allowing you to breakdown existing complex problem into independently governed services. These services are then built separately and eventually, linked to achieving the main objective. Here we have listed down several reasons why you need to consider adopting microservices architecture before devoting funds to an app development process.
1. Bugs identified and resolved quickly
All the troublesome microservices can be held back, notifying the developers of the same to rectify the issue at the earliest. Whereas other microservices can be deployed to continue running the app.
2. Microservice individuality
Each microservice can be coded with different programming languages and synched together to accomplish the common objective.
3. Delivery doesn’t get hindered
Since microservices involve multiple individual components, you always have one or more services to power the app such that the product gets delivered in time followed by not-so-important services.
4. Apps built are scalable
The breakdown of complex app architecture into fragments make the app scalable. Third-party scalable components can be applied at will.
5. Compatible tools
Most third-party tools can be easily integrated into the desired microservice. A specific microservice is worked upon while others continue running the app.
6. Simple to use
Microservices are simple to comprehend, edit and update. Developers don’t have to put in extra efforts to make things work in an intended manner.
7. Support for cloud
Microservices support cloud computing technology. This makes accessing files and storing data easy for developers.
8. Avant-grade security
Since the app is divided into several microservices, the security vulnerabilities are limited to a specific microservice rather than affecting the entire application.
Final words
Microservices have emerged big time. They enable enterprise app developers to work in small teams and accomplish short goals. This not only helps them in producing scalable and robust enterprise apps but also achieve results in short span. Microservices allow teams to work in a more focused manner that helps in producing high-quality apps in quick time.