How to Stress Test Your Android App for a Successful Launch?
If the mobile apps you’re using aren’t crashing at all, the app owners must have adopted the best testing techniques. Don’t be a sloth when testing a mobile app; it’s as important as app designing and app coding.
While we have been in contact with the top Android app development companies for some time now, we have gained great insights into the various hows, whys and wherefores of the mobile app development. Lately, our team expressed the desire to know the process of testing that equally contributes to the app development as does the design and coding. We consulted with the top app developers India (that’s mentioned in our list) and brought out some surefire ways of testing your app before finally launching. This will lead to a flawless deployment.
If you’re also looking for mobile app development, your knowledge for testing an app will be even more necessary. So, we’re here sharing some dyed-in-the-wool strategies that’ll help you take the right way and stress test your app for a victorious app launch, mostly for the winning final product but sometimes for the joy of seeing them work perfectly. Make sure that these are the only rules but a broad overview of good practices that’ll help you as a tester and a business owner.
Test on all devices
Testing on emulators is not the key to a quality assurance procedure. In fact, the first rule of testing is “do not test on emulators.” Emulators or simulators fail to show the real results. Always choose real devices to test your mobile application. Well, mobile apps deal with a lot of variables and to test each one of them, real-time testing is the only way out.
Optimally, you should test your app on every single device. However, it isn’t possible. In this case, you must cover the major devices in the market and choose your sample wisely. Set your priorities as per the market demand of the devices; do not always select the current flagship devices.
Further, you’d want to check for the different OS versions because what works for Android 6.0 may not work for Android 7. This is why make sure you’ve hired a top app development company that comprises a team of expert quality analysts (QAs) having the acumen to test the app on more than one OS version and more than one screen size/resolution.
Beta testing is a must-have
You can’t really find out the faults until you test the app with real users. Beta testing is an extremely important phase of app development. Most mobile app development companies India do it.
Users of today are smart; you can’t trick them into anything. Even a small bug in the app can be recognized (maybe a little late) by the users and then that’s the time you’re abandoned by them forever.
Every app release must go through beta testing where a sample of the target audience tries the product in real and then share their feedback. Quality beta testing evaluates the overall user experience and ensures that the functionality of your app meets the expectations and requirements of your audience. If there are any improvements suggested by the users, you can enforce them before the final launch. Usability beta testing is the best way to understand the actual usage patterns and reactions, which will ultimately help the developers to re-design or re-code your app for better usability.
Execute Monkey stress tests
Have you ever put your app to monkey testing? Never? Then, learn to do it now.
Monkey testing refers to the tool that creates repeated and random user inputs for load and stress testing, finding bugs and crashes. There are different test cases that can be created in a monkey testing environment.
- To check theapplication response when the device orientation is changedcontinuously in different angles.
- To check whether the app screen is loading continuously without any network and data failures.
- To check if the application is crashing while scrolling the list up and down rigorously.
- To check if the application fails when the user performs multiple operations for different data calls.
Monkey testing demands the creativity of testers as they are expected to test the app for wildest scenarios. It may sound petty but is as important as testing on multiple devices.
Finally, go out in the field and test your application in the real-time environment because then only you’ll learn why and how it fails. Mobile testing will help you build an app that’s smooth-to-operate and fun-to-interact-with, so don’t circumvent testing during mobile app development.